Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Commentary: A suggestion for any Facebook page with at least one section for posting comments regarding a certain part of the page itself (including any Facebook page related to any broadcaster related to southwest Alabama)

  • Monitoring for any section of the kind mentioned in the name of this commentary.

News for Wednesday, January 31st, 2024

  • A certain Facebook page related to WALA-TV appeared to have had at least one section or part involving groups of text such as some (unobjective) text of, "This is so scary. Kidney stone leads to mom needing all 4 limbs amputated: ‘I’m just so happy to be alive’[*]" related to its administration the Saturday of the thirtieth day of the month of December of the calendar year just before this one (2023) (note: parts of a hyperlink ("") connected to a certain part of a certain World Wide Web site related to WALA-TV).   
  • A certain Facebook page related to WKRG-TV appeared to have had at least one section or part involving groups of text such as some text of, "Check out this week's Pet of the Week!" (appearing directly above a hyperlink (connected to a certain part of a certain World Wide Web site related to WKRG-TV) involving a static image appearing directly above some text of, "WKRG.COM" appearing directly above some text of, "Pet of the Week: Terrier mix Milton |" appearing directly above some text of, "Our Pet of the Week is a one-year-old Terrier/Yorky mix named Milton.") related to its administration the Monday of the twenty-ninth day of this January (note: there often appeared to have had been TV programming related to WKRG-TV (such as certain parts of such programming (related to WKRG-TV) related to news) involving audible mentionings of "Pet of the Week [or pet of the week]" being broadcast on at least one broadcast channel related to WKRG-TV (or at least one main broadcast channel related to WKRG-TV) before the Monday or day of January mentioned earlier in this paragraph during certain calendar years prior to this one (or during certain calendar years prior to this calendar year of 2024)).

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Commentary: A suggestion for the administration of a certain Facebook page related to a certain TV station (with a news operation) related to southwest Alabama named WKRG-TV

News for Tuesday, January 30th, 2024

(note: a certain part (or a certain paragraph) of a certain report for this site published before this one named "News for Sunday, January 28th, 2024" was amended (with an "update") this Tuesday (specifically the paragraph moved toward its bottom afterwards this Tuesday))

  • A certain Facebook page related to WKRG-TV appeared to have had at least one section or part involving groups of text such as some text of, "Dr. Perrin Windham from USA Health joined us on The Doctor is In to discuss the importance of well child visits." appearing directly above a video related to its administration the Friday of the twelfth day of this January (note: there often appeared to have had been TV programming related to WKRG-TV (such as certain parts of such programming (related to WKRG-TV) related to news) involving audible mentionings of "The Doctor is In [or the doctor is in or the Doctor is in]" being broadcast on at least one broadcast channel related to WKRG-TV (or at least one main broadcast channel related to WKRG-TV) before the Friday or day of January mentioned earlier in this paragraph during certain calendar years prior to this one (or during certain calendar years prior to this calendar year of 2024)). 
  • A certain World Wide Web site related to WALA-TV appeared to have had at least one section or page involving groups of text such as some text of, "Robert Sanders, longtime FOX10 photographer, passes away at 92" appearing directly above some text of, "Published: Jan. 29, 2024 at 5:38 PM CST  |  Updated: 20 hours ago" appearing directly above some graphics appearing directly above a video this Tuesday (note: there often appeared to have had been TV programming related to WALA-TV involving audible audible (and visual) and mentionings of "FOX10 [or FOX 10]" (with pronunciations that could be spelled as FOX TEN, Fox TEN, FOX ten, fox ten, FOX ten, and fox TEN) (with or without audible mentionings of "News [or news]" immediately afterwards) being broadcast on at least one broadcast channel related to WALA-TV (or at least one main broadcast channel related to WALA-TV) before this Tuesday during certain calendar years prior to this one (or during certain calendar years prior to this calendar year of 2024)).

Monday, January 29, 2024

News for Monday, January 29th, 2024

  • A certain Facebook page related to WKRG-TV appeared to have had at least one section or part involving groups of text such as some text of, "WKRG" appearing directly above some text of, "2 hours ago" appearing directly above some text of, "Here is the schedule for this week's dog walking forecast from WKRG Caroline Carithers! Tune into News 5 This Morning to see your pup! As always, we thank you for your patience as we slowly but surely make our way through our hundreds and hundreds of submissions." appearing directly above static imagery appearing directly above some text of, "WKRG Caroline Carithers" appearing directly above some text of, "2 hours ago" appearing directly above some (unobjective) text of, "Gooooood morning, dog walkers!  Here is the pup schedule for this week's dog walking forecast. See you on WKRG!" related to its administration this Monday (note: there often appeared to have had been TV programming related to WKRG-TV involving audible mentionings of "News 5 [or Five]" (with or without audible mentionings of "WKRG" immediately before them (and/or with or without audible mentionings of "This Morning [or this morning]")) before this Monday during certain calendar years prior this one (or during certain calendar years prior to this calendar year of 2024)).

  • A certain Facebook page related to WALA-TV appeared to have had at least one section or part involving a video appearing behind groups of text such as some text of, "FOX10 News" appearing directly above some text of, "Reels ᐧ Jan 22" appearing directly above some text of, "When debt relief agencies call, do they have your best interests in mind? InvestigateTV+ uncovers debt relief scams that may end up costing you MORE, today at 3:30 on FOX10. #Scam #ScamWatch #DebtRelief #Debt See less" appearing directly above some text of , "[...]OX10 News ᐧ Original audio      FOX1[...]" (or at least one such hyperlink connected to a video appearing with groups of text similar to some of the ones mentioned earlier in this paragraph) related to its administration the Tuesday of the twenty-third day of this January (note: there often appeared to have had been TV programming related to WALA-TV involving audible audible (and visual) and mentionings of "FOX10 [or FOX 10]" (with pronunciations that could be spelled as FOX TEN, Fox TEN, FOX ten, fox ten, FOX ten, and fox TEN) (with or without audible mentionings of "News [or news]" immediately afterwards) being broadcast on at least one broadcast channel related to WALA-TV (or at least one main broadcast channel related to WALA-TV) before the Tuesday or day of January mentioned earlier in this paragraph during certain calendar years prior to this one (or during certain calendar years prior to this calendar year of 2024)) (update for Friday, January 26th, 2024: A certain Facebook page related to WALA-TV appeared to have had at least one section or part involving a video appearing behind groups of text such as some text of, "FOX10 News" appearing directly above some text of, "Reels ᐧ Jan 25" appearing directly above some text of, "An off-duty officer gave the go-ahead to evict and mistakenly arrest two innocent tenants. InvestigateTV+ finds solutions to prevent these no-knock nightmares today at 3:30 on FOX10. #Police #PD #Warrant" appearing directly above some text of, "#NoKnockWarrants See less" appearing directly above some text of , "[...]OX10 News ᐧ Original audio      FOX1[...]" (or at least one such hyperlink connected to a video appearing with groups of text similar to some of the ones mentioned earlier in this paragraph) related to it administration this Friday). 

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Commentary: Certain descriptions of certain parts of certain TV programming related to a certain TV station (with a news operation) related to southwest Alabama named WKRG-TV (specifically certain parts of such programming (related to WKRG-TV) related to news being broadcast on at least broadcast channel related to WKRG-TV (or at least one main broadcast channel related to WKRG-TV) between the first and thirty-fifth minutes of the hour of 10:00 p. m. the Saturday of the twenty-seventh day of this January (10:00:00 p. m. - 10:34:59 p. m.))

  •  Opinionated, emotional, unprofessional, unnecessary, and detrimental.

News for Sunday, January 28th, 2024

  • A certain World Wide Web site involving various texts of, "YouTube" appeared to have had at least one section or page involving a video appearing directly above some text of, "WPMI Daybreak 11/07/97" appearing indirectly above some text of, "13 views  Jan 28, 2024" appearing directly above some text of, "Full WPMI morning show from Friday November 7, 1997" this Sunday.  
  • A certain World Wide Web site related to WALA-TV appeared to have had at least one section or page involving groups of text such as some text of, "Baldwin County Amateur Radio Club takes part in Winter Field Day" appearing directly above a video appearing directly above some text of, "The annual event let amateur radio operators set up stations and attempt to make as many contacts as possible." appearing directly above some text of, "By WALA Digital Staff" appearing directly above some text of, "Published: Jan. 27, 2024 at 10:41 PM CST  |  Updated: 11 hours ago" appearing directly above some graphics appearing directly above some text of, "SILVERHILL, Ala. (WALA) - The Baldwin County Amateur Radio Club participated in Winter Field Day 2024 at Camp Silver Creek in Silverhill." this Sunday. 

Saturday, January 27, 2024

News for Saturday, January 27th, 2024

(note: a certain part (or a certain paragraph) of a certain report of this site published before this one named "News for Friday, January 26th, 2024" was amended (with an "update") this Saturday (specifically the paragraph near its top))

  • A certain Facebook page related to WALA-TV appeared to have had at least one section or part involving groups of text such as some text of, "FOX10 News" appearing directly above some text of, "18 hours ago" appearing directly above some text of, "The NFC Championship is on FOX10 Sunday at 5pm. #NFL #NFLonFOX" appearing directly above a video related to its administration this Saturday (note: there often appeared to have had been TV programming related to WALA-TV involving audible audible (and visual) and mentionings of "FOX10 [or FOX 10]" (with pronunciations that could be spelled as FOX TEN, Fox TEN, FOX ten, fox ten, FOX ten, and fox TEN) (with or without audible mentionings of "News [or news]" immediately afterwards) being broadcast on at least one broadcast channel related to WALA-TV (or at least one main broadcast channel related to WALA-TV) before this Saturday during certain calendar years prior to this one (or during certain calendar years prior to this calendar year of 2024)).
  • A certain Facebook page related to WKRG-TV appeared to have had at least one section or part involving groups of text such as some text of, "A new year means new surprise visits for WKRG News 5’s Smiles Behind the Shield Award recipients. 'Shocked, surprised, a little embarrassed,' was the reaction of Mobile police dispatcher Olivia Bradley after we surprised her at work. Click the link below for the full story." appearing directly above some text of, "[*]" appearing directly above some text of, "Our Smiles Behind the Shield award would not be possible without our outstanding sponsors: Columbia Southern University, Mobile County 911, Greer’s Markets and Advanced Integrated Security." (appearing directly above static imagery) related to its administration the Friday of the twenty-sixth day of this January (note #1: parts of a hyperlink ("") connected to a certain part of a certain World Wide Web site related to WKRG-TV (note #2: there often appeared to have had been TV programming related to WKRG-TV (such as certain parts of such programming (related to WKRG-TV) related to news) involving audible mentionings of "News 5 [or Five]" (with or without audible mentionings of "WKRG" immediately before them) being broadcast on at least one broadcast channel related to WKRG-TV (or at least one main broadcast channel related to WKRG-TV) before the Friday or day of January mentioned earlier in this paragraph during certain calendar years prior to this one (or during certain calendar years prior to this calendar year of 2024)).

Friday, January 26, 2024

News for Friday, Janauary 26th, 2024

  • A certain broadcast frequency related to WHIL-FM (or at certain broadcast frequency related to a certain Alabama Public Radio station named WHIL-FM) had involved voices involving words or phrases with parts such as "technical difficulties" at least once during the hour of 3:00 p. m. this Friday (update for Saturday, January 27th, 2024: a certain broadcast frequency related to WHIL-FM (or at certain broadcast frequency related to a certain Alabama Public Radio station named WHIL-FM) had involved voices involving words or phrases with parts such as "technical difficulties with our programming" at least once during the hour of 4:00 p. m. this Friday). 
  • A certain Facebook page related to WKRG-TV appeared to have had at least one section or part involving groups of text such as some text of, "WKRG" appearing directly above some text of, "about an hour ago" appearing directly above some text of, "Happy to support our community and nurture students' learning!  Thanks for the invitation, The University of South Alabama" appearing directly above static imagery appearing directly above some text of, "University of South Alabama Department of Communication" appearing directly above some text of, "a day ago" appearing directly above some text of, "A big thank you to WKRG-TV's Summer Poole, Digital Multimedia Journalist, and Thomas Boni, Digital Content Manager, for visiting the students of CA 590 Media & Social Influence. Their lecture on social media and journalism was excellent!" appearing directly above some text of, "WKRG" related to its administration the Thursday of the twenty-fifth day of this January. 
  • There appeared to have had been at one broadcast channel related to WJTC-TV (or at least one main broadcast channel related to WJTC-TV) involving at least one video involving voices involving words or phrases with part such as "Watch the Nest [or The Nest of the nest] on WPMI Fifteen Point Three [or 15.3]" (while appearing to have had graphics with certain parts such as some resembling some text of, "WPMI 15.3") during the second half of the hour of 5:00 p. m. the Thursday of the twenty-fifth day of this January (note #1: there often appeared to have had been at least one broadcast channel related to WPMI-TV (or at least sub-channel related to WPMI-TV) with a virtual channel number of 15-3 before the Thursday or day of January mentioned earlier in this paragraph earlier this calendar year (of 2024) and during certain calendar years prior to this one (note #2 WJTC-TV and WPMI-TV often appeared to have had been members of a holding company named the Sinclair Broadcast Group before the Thursday or day of January mentioned earlier in this paragraph during certain calendar years prior to this one (or during certain calendar years prior to this calendar year of 2024))).
  • A certain Facebook page related to WALA-TV appeared to have had at least one section or part involving groups of text such as some text of, "As the Port City gears up to let the good times roll [...]. We are set to debut our brand new Mardi Gras float Saturday night for the Pharaohs and Conde Explorers Parade." (appearing directly above a hyperlink (connected to a certain part of a certain World Wide Web site related to WALA-TV) involving a static image appearing directly above some text of, "FOX10TV.COM" appearing directly above some text of, "ALL NEW FOX 10 Mardi Gras Float features 'Gulf Stream' theme" appearing directly above some text of, "As the Port City gears up to let the good times roll [...]. We are set to debut our b...)" related to its administration this Friday (note: there often appeared to have had been TV programming related to WALA-TV involving audible audible (and visual) and mentionings of "FOX10 [or FOX 10]" (with pronunciations that could be spelled as FOX TEN, Fox TEN, FOX ten, fox ten, FOX ten, and fox TEN) (with or without audible mentionings of "News [or news]" immediately afterwards) being broadcast on at least one broadcast channel related to WALA-TV (or at least one main broadcast channel related to WALA-TV) before this Friday during certain calendar years prior to this one (or during certain calendar years prior to this calendar year of 2024)).

Thursday, January 25, 2024

News for Thursday, January 25th, 2024

  • A certain broadcast frequency related to WHIL-FM (or at certain broadcast frequency related to a certain Alabama Public Radio station named WHIL-FM) suddenly had silence and audible tones (without any other kind of audio) at least once (or at least a period of time between one second and twenty seconds (immediately before and after having had voices) during the second half of the hour of 3:00 p. m. this Thursday.
  • A certain Facebook page related to WZEW-FM appeared to have had at least one section or part involving groups of text such as some text of, "92ZEW" appearing directly above some text of, "2 days ago" appearing directly above some text of, "Sorry we are experiencing some technical difficulties this morning (Tuesday) on the air. We are working on it, but in the meantime you can still listen to us streaming and on The Sound of Mobile App…which is free to download too!" (appearing directly above static imagery (with certain parts such as some resembling some text of, "TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES" appearing indirectly above some text of, "PLEASE STAND BY") related to its administration this Thursday. 
  • A certain Facebook page related to WKRG-TV appeared to have had at least one section or part involving groups of text such as some text of, "WKRG" appearing directly above some text of, "3 hours ago" appearing directly above some text of, "WKRG Grant Skinner for taking the News 5 Weather Beast to these Baldwin County homeschoolers! #GulfCoast #weather" appearing directly above static imagery appearing directly above some text of, "WKRG Grant Skinner" appearing directly above some text of, "5 hours ago" appearing directly above some text of, "I had a wonderful time speaking today to students in Robertsdale with the Baldwin County Homeschool Co-Op! I gave a presentation on my job as a TV meteorologist, how the weather on the Gulf Coast works, and how to stay prepared for severe weather. I also got to show off the WKRG Weather Beast! They were such a fun, bright group of kids, and they had some great questions!" related to its administration the Wednesday of the twenty-fourth day of this January (note: there often appeared to have had been TV programming related to WKRG-TV (such as certain parts of such programming (related to WKRG-TV) related to news) involving audible mentionings of "News 5 [or Five]" (with or without audible mentionings of "WKRG" immediately before them) being broadcast on at least one broadcast channel related to WKRG-TV (or at least one main broadcast channel related to WKRG-TV) before the Wednesday or day of January mentioned earlier in this paragraph during certain calendar years prior to this one (or during certain calendar years prior to this calendar year of 2024))).  
  • A certain Facebook page related to WALA-TV appeared to have had at least one section or part involving groups of text such as some text of, "FOX10 News" appearing directly above some text of, "13 hours ago" appearing directly above some text of, "Meteorologist Nicholas Herboso is tracking another hard freeze tonight, but a significant change in temperatures is coming! Find more on FOX10 News tonight after the game..." appearing directly above a video appearing directly above some text of, "Nicholas Herboso" appearing directly above some text of, "13 hours ago" appearing directly above some text of, "Another hard freeze is expected tonight! Temperatures are set to plunge into the teens and twenties.  Be ready - make sure your pipes are insulated, your plants are protected, and your pets are safe and warm." appearing directly above some text of, "#alwx #mswx #flwx #mobwx" related to its administration the Sunday of the twenty-first day of this January (note: there often appeared to have had been TV programming related to WALA-TV involving audible audible (and visual) and mentionings of "FOX10 [or FOX 10]" (with pronunciations that could be spelled as FOX TEN, Fox TEN, FOX ten, fox ten, FOX ten, and fox TEN) (with or without audible mentionings of "News [or news]" immediately afterwards) being broadcast on at least one broadcast channel related to WALA-TV (or at least one main broadcast channel related to WALA-TV) before the Sunday or day of January mentioned earlier in this paragraph during certain calendar years prior to this one (or during certain calendar years prior to this calendar year of 2024)).

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

News for Wednesday, January 24th, 2024

(note: a certain part (or a certain name) of a certain commentary of this site published (just) before report was amended (or corrected) this Wednesday)

  • A certain World Wide Web site involving various texts of, "YouTube" appeared to have had at least one section or page involving groups of text such as some text of, "Classic Mobile Mardi Gras" (with various ones involving mentionings of "WKRG" and "UTV44") this Wednesday (note: there often appeared to have had been TV programming related to WJTC-TV (such as certain parts of such programming (related to WJTC-TV) related to advertising) involving audible mentionings of "UTV44 [or UTV 44 or UTV Forty-four]" being broadcast on at least one broadcast channel related to WJTC-TV (or at least one main broadcast channel related to WJTC-TV) before this Wednesday during certain calendar years prior to this one (or during certain calendar years prior to this calendar year of 2024)).
  • A certain Facebook page related to WALA-TV appeared to have had at least one section or part involving groups of text such as some text of, "Bill Black and Shelby Mitchell from 95 KSJ radio visited the FOX10 News Studios and spoke with our Lenise Ligon about the upcoming Miracle on the Bay Parade for St. Jude." (appearing directly above a hyperlink (connected to a certain part of a certain World Wide Web site related to WALA-TV) involving a static image appearing directly above some text of, "Miracle on the Bay Parade for St. Jude set Feb. 5" appearing directly above some text of, "Miracle on the Bay Parade benefits St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.") related to its administration this Wednesday (note: there often appeared to have had been videos related to WKSJ-FM involving audible mentionings of "95 KSJ [or Ninety-five KSJ]" (and visual mentionings of "95 KSJ") being broadcast on at least one broadcast channel related to at least one TV station related to southwest Alabama before this Wednesday during certain calendar years prior to this one (or during certain calendar years prior to this calendar year of 2024)).
  • A certain Facebook page related to WKRG-TV appeared to have had at least one section or part involving groups of text such as some (unobjective) text of, "TONIGHT: Are you Team Carl or Team Moore? If you're undecided, Alabama, the Baldwin County Republican Executive Committee has a debate for you (and News 5's own Peter Albrecht is a moderator). (appearing directly above a hyperlink (connected to a certain part of a certain World Wide Web site related to WKRG-TV) involving groups of text such as some text of, "WKRG.COM" appearing directly above some text of, ""Congressmen Jerry Carl, Barry Moore to debate Wednesday evening in Daphne |") related to its administration this Wednesday (note: there often appeared to have had been TV programming related to WKRG-TV (such as certain parts of such programming (related to WKRG-TV) related to news) involving audible mentionings of "News 5 [or Five]" (with or without audible mentionings of "WKRG" immediately before them) being broadcast on at least one broadcast channel related to WKRG-TV (or at least one main broadcast channel related to WKRG-TV) before this Wednesday during certain calendar years prior to this one (or during certain calendar years prior to this calendar year of 2024)).

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

News for Tuesday, January 23rd, 2024

  • A certain Facebook page related to WKRG-TV appeared to have had at least one section or part involving groups of text such as some text of, "Our Pet the Week is a 1-year-old schnauzer/doodle (Schnoodle) named Sylvia!" (appearing directly above a hyperlink (connected to a certain part of a certain World Wide Web site related to WKRG-TV) involving a static image appearing directly above some text of, "WKRG.COM" appearing directly above some text of, "Pet of the Week: Sylvia the Schnoodle |" appearing directly above some text of, "Our Pet the Week is a one-year-old schnauzer/doodle (Schnoodle) named Sylvia.") related to its administration this Tuesday (note: there often appeared to have had been TV programming related to WKRG-TV (such as certain parts of such programming (related to WKRG-TV) related to news) involving audible mentionings of "Pet of the Week [or pet of the week]" being broadcast on at least one broadcast channel related to WKRG-TV (or at least one main broadcast channel related to WKRG-TV) before this Tuesday during certain calendar years prior to this one (or during certain calendar years prior to this calendar year of 2024)). 

Commentary: A(nother) finding (update: or more) of blatant unobjectivity (or opinionation) on a Facebook page related to a certain TV station (with a news operation) related to southwest Alabama named WKRG-TV

  • A certain Facebook page related to WKRG-TV appeared to have had at least one section or part involving groups of text such as some text of, "WKRG" appearing directly above some text of, "14m" appearing directly above some text of, Major news out of the Baker High School football program today. Congratulations to Coach Steve Normand on his successful career!" appearing directly above a static image appearing directly above some text of, "Simone Eli" appearing directly above some text of, "18m" appearing directly above some text of, "BREAKING HSFB NEWS:  Baker head coach Steve Normand to retire after 5 years leading the program — he’s one of the most successful in school history with 4 straight playoff appearances" appearing directly above some text of, "FULL WKRG STORY HERE:[*]" appearing directly above some text of, "Baker High School Athletics Mobile County Public Schools" related to its administration the Friday of the nineteenth day of this January (*note: parts of a hyperlink ("") connected to a certain part of a certain World Wide Web site related to WKRG-TV) (update for Friday, January 19th, 2024: a certain Facebook page related to WKRG-TV appeared to have had at least one section or part involving groups of text such as some text of, "The Daphne High School girls wrestling team is state champions yet again! Congratulations to the Lady Trojans!" (appearing directly above a hyperlink (connected to a certain part of a certain World Wide Web site related to WKRG-TV) involving a static image appearing directly above some text of, "WKRG.COM" appearing directly above some text of, ""Daphne girls wrestling team wins third-straight state title |" appearing directly above some text of, "DAPHNE, Ala. (WKRG) — The Daphne High School girls wrestling team is state champions yet...") related to its administration this Friday).

Monday, January 22, 2024

News for Monday, January 22nd, 2024

  • A certain Facebook page related to WKRG-TV appeared to have had at least one section or part involving groups of text such as some text of, "Dr. Matt Barber from Alabama Orthopaedic Clinic joined WKRG on The Doctor is In to discuss joint replacement." appearing directly above a video related to its administration the Friday of the nineteenth day of this January (note: there often appeared to have had been TV programming related to WKRG-TV (such as certain parts of such programming (related to WKRG-TV) related to news) involving audible mentionings of "The Doctor is in [or The Doctor Is In or the doctor is in or the Doctor in in]" being broadcast on at least one broadcast channel related to WKRG-TV (or at least one main broadcast channel related to WKRG-TV) before the Friday or day of January mentioned earlier in this paragraph during certain calendar years prior to this one (or during certain calendar years prior to this calendar year of 2024)).
  • A certain Facebook page related to WALA-TV appeared to have had at least one section or part involving groups of text such as some text of, "FOX10 News" appearing directly above some text of, "53m" appearing directly above some text of, "Send us your photos: Download the FOX10 Float Tracker app or visit or web page to share photos and videos of the fun as Mardi Gras parades roll through the streets of Prichard and Dauphin Island today.[*]" (appearing directly above static imagery) related to its administration the Saturday of the twentieth day of this January (*note #1: parts of a hyperlink ("") connected to a certain part of a certain World Wide Web site related to WALA-TV (note #2: there often appeared to have had been TV programming related to WALA-TV involving audible audible (and visual) and mentionings of "FOX10 [or FOX 10]" (with pronunciations that could be spelled as FOX TEN, Fox TEN, FOX ten, fox ten, FOX ten, and fox TEN) (with or without audible mentionings of "News [or news]" immediately afterwards) being broadcast on at least one broadcast channel related to WALA-TV (or at least one main broadcast channel related to WALA-TV) before the Saturday of day of January mentioned earlier n this paragraph during certain calendar years prior to this one (or during certain calendar years prior to this calendar year of 2024)).  

Sunday, January 21, 2024

News for Sunday, January 21st, 2024

  • A certain World Wide Web site related to WEAR-TV appeared to have had at least one section or page involving groups of text such as some text of, "Advertise With Us" appearing directly above a horizontal line appearing directly above some text of, "by WEARTV | Thu, February 4th 2016" appearing directly above a static image appearing directly above some text of, "Sales Web Palafox.png" appearing directly above some text of, "On behalf of WEAR ABC 3 and, thank you for visiting our web site and for your interest in our station. For over 50 years WEAR has been the cornerstone of broadcast television along the Gulf Coast, and we are now ushering in the new era of Digital Media Content to the market. We look forward to staying the number one local television news source but also becoming the area's number one online, social, and mobile news provider too. We are very proud of our distinguished history and are grateful for the opportunity to serve the individuals and businesses who call the Gulf Coast home." the Saturday of the twentieth day of this January. 
  • A certain World Wide Web site related to WPMI-TV appeared to have had at least one section or page involving groups of text such as some text of, "Advertise With Us" appearing directly above a horizontal line appearing directly above some text of, "by WPMI | Wed, May 16th 2018" appearing directly above a static image appearing directly above some text of, "On behalf of NBC 15, thank you for visiting our website and for your interest in our station. For over 35 years NBC 15 has been the cornerstone of broadcast television along the Gulf Coast, and we are now ushering in the new era of Digital Media Content to the market. We are YOUR source for news and information about Mobile, AL, Pensacola, FL and the entire Gulf Coast. We are very proud of our distinguished history and are grateful for the opportunity to serve the individuals and businesses who call the Gulf Coast home." the Saturday of the twentieth day of this January (note: there often appeared to have had been TV programming related to WPMI-TV (such as certain parts of such programming (related to WPMI-TV) related to news) involving audible mentionings of "NBC 15 [or Fifteen]" being broadcast on at least one broadcast channel related to WPMI-TV (or at least one main broadcast channel related to WPMI-TV) before the Saturday or day of January mentioned earlier in this paragraph during certain calendar years prior to this one (or during certain calendar years prior to this calendar year of 2024)).

Saturday, January 20, 2024

News for Saturday, January 20th, 2024

(note: a certain part (or a certain paragraph) of a certain report for this site published before this one named "Friday, January 12th, 2024" was amended (with a "first update" and a "second update") this Saturday (specifically the second paragraph from its bottom)) 

  • A certain World Wide Web site related to WALA-TV appeared to have had at least one section or page involving groups of text such as some text of, "Daphne woman wins big on 'Wheel of Fortune' " appearing directly above a video appearing directly above some text of, "The bookkeeper at Belforest Elementary School made it all the way to the bonus round." appearing directly above some text of, "By WALA Digital Staff" appearing directly above some text of, "Updated: 13 hours ago" appearing directly above some graphics appearing directly above some text of, "MOBILE, Ala. (WALA) - Daphne resident Jill Yawn and her family celebrated her victory on the 'Wheel of Fortune.' " this Saturday (note: there often appeared to have had been TV programming unrelated to WALA-TV involving audible mentionings of "Wheel of Fortune [or wheel of fortune]" being broadcast on at least one broadcast channel related to WALA-TV (or at least one main broadcast channel related to WALA-TV) before this Saturday during certain calendar years prior to this one (or during certain calendar years prior to this calendar year of 2024)). 
  • A certain Facebook page related to WALA-TV appeared to have had at least one section or part involving groups of text such as some text of, "FOX10 News is continuing the conversation on reducing youth violence in Mobile." (appearing directly above a static image (connected to a certain part of a certain World Wide Web site related to WALA-TV) involving a static image appearing directly above some text of, "FOX10TV.COM" appearing directly above some text of, "Youth Violence Prevention Affirmation Project brings positive change" appearing directly above some text of, "Amaya Lewis and Harmoni Sanders started the initiative, which is geared to help people start ...") related to its administration the Friday of the nineteenth day of this January (note: there often appeared to have had been TV programming related to WALA-TV involving audible audible (and visual) and mentionings of "FOX10 [or FOX 10]" (with pronunciations that could be spelled as FOX TEN, Fox TEN, FOX ten, fox ten, FOX ten, and fox TEN) (with or without audible mentionings of "News [or news]" immediately afterwards) being broadcast on at least one broadcast channel related to WALA-TV (or at least one main broadcast channel related to WALA-TV) before the Friday or day of January mentioned earlier in this paragraph during certain calendar years prior to this one (or during certain calendar years prior to this calendar year of 2024)). 
  • A certain World Wide Web site related to WKRG-TV appeared to have had at least one section or page involving groups of text such as some text of,  "ROBERTSDALE, Ala. (WKRG) — In a story we broke on WKRG News 5 at 10, a Robertsdale family is trying to figure out how to pay their bills and meet other financial obligations after not receiving their payment from the state for providing around-the-clock care for their child with a disability." appearing directly above some text of, "After the story about Cassey Prescott and her daughter Lyriq aired, Prescott received some of her money from the state as of Friday afternoon." (appearing indirectly below some text of, "BALDWIN COUNTY" appearing directly above some text of, "Robertsdale family with disabled child receives state check; Acumen CEO says delays caused by transition" appearing directly above some text f, "by: Jeremy Jones" appearing directly above some text of, "Posted: Jan 19, 2024 / 11:35 PM CST" appearing directly above some text of, "Updated: Jan 19, 2024 / 11:37 PM CST" (appearing directly to the left of a video) appearing directly above some text of, "SHARE" appearing directly above a horizontal line) this Saturday (note #2: there often appeared to have had been TV programming related to WKRG-TV (such as certain parts of such programming (related to WKRG-TV) related to news) involving audible mentionings of "News 5 [or Five]" (with or without audible mentionings of "WKRG" immediately before them) being broadcast on at least one broadcast channel related to WKRG-TV (or at least one main broadcast channel related to WKRG-TV) before this Saturday during certain calendar years prior to this one (or during certain calendar years prior to this calendar year of 2024))). 

Friday, January 19, 2024

News for Friday, January 19th, 2024

(note: a certain part (or a certain paragraph) of a certain report for this site published before this one named "News for Saturday, January 13th, 2024" was amended (with an "update") this Friday (specifically the second paragraph from its bottom)) 

(update for Saturday, January 20th, 2024: a certain part (or a certain paragraph) of a certain report for this site published before this one named "Friday, January 12th, 2024" was amended (with a "first update" and a "second update") this Saturday (specifically the second paragraph from its bottom)) 

  • A certain Facebook page related to WKRG-TV appeared to have had at least one section or part involving groups of text such as some text of, "Albert is ready for adoption, folks! (Thank you to Port City Pups for sponsoring our Pet of the Week segment.)" (appearing directly above a hyperlink (connected to a certain part of a certain World Wide Web site related to WKRG-TV) involving a static image appearing directly above some text of, "WKRG.COM" appearing directly above some text of, "Pet of the Week: Albert, the Shih Tzu |" appearing directly above some text of, "Our Pet of the Week is a 10-month-old Shih Tzu named Albert.") related to its administration the Monday of the fifteenth day of this January (note: there often appeared to have had been TV programming related to WKRG-TV (such as certain parts of such programming (related to WKRG-TV) related to news) involving audible mentionings of "Pet of the Week [or pet of the week]" being broadcast on at least one broadcast channel related to WKRG-TV (or at least one main broadcast channel related to WKRG-TV) before the Monday or day of January mentioned earlier in this paragraph during certain calendar years prior to this one (or during certain calendar years prior to this calendar year of 2024)).

  • A certain Facebook page related to WFNA-TV appeared to have had at least one section or part involving groups of text such as some text of, "The Gulf Coast CW updated their profile picture." and at least one section or part involving groups of text such as some text of, "The Gulf Coast CW updated their cover photo." each appearing directly above some text of, "22 hours ago" appearing directly a static image (with certain parts such as some resembling text of, "GULF COAST" appearing directly above "CW" appearing directly above some text of, "WFNA") related to its administration this Friday (note #1: there often appeared to have had been static images similar to the kind of mentioned earlier in this paragraph (each involving certain parts such as some resembling some text of, "GULF COAST" appearing directly above some text of, "CW" (with some text of, "THE" appearing between the text of, "CW") appearing directly above some text of, "WFNA-TV) appearing on at least one Facebook page related to WFNA-TV and at one broadcast channel related to WFNA-TV (or at least one main broadcast channel related to WFNA-TV) before this Friday during certain calendar years prior to this one (or during certain calendar years prior to this calendar year of 2024) (note #2: there often appeared to have had been TV programming related to WFNA-TV (such as certain parts of such programming (related to WFNA-TV) related to advertising) involving audible mentionings of "The Gulf Coast CW [or the Gulf Coast CW]" being broadcast on at least one broadcast channel related to WFNA-TV (or at least one main broadcast channel related to WFNA-TV) and at least one broadcast channel related to WKRG-TV (or at least one main broadcast channel related to WKRG-TV) before this Friday during certain calendar years prior to this one (or during certain calendar years prior to this calendar year of 2024) (note #3: WFNA-TV and WKRG-TV often appeared to have had been members of a holding company named the Nexstar Media Group before this Friday during certain calendar years prior to this one (or during certain calendar years prior to this calendar year of 2024)))).

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Commentary: A suggestion for a certain Facebook page related to a certain TV station (with a news operaton) related to southwest Alabama named WALA-TV regarding a certain form of posting

News for Thursday, January 18th, 2024

  • A certain Facebook page related to WKRG-TV appeared to have had at least one section or part involving groups of text such as some (unobjective) text of, "After a historic band season, filled with several top honors, best-in-class awards and superior ratings — the 'Spirit of Satsuma' is the JBT Power Band of the Year!" appearing directly above (unobjective) some text of, "Congratulations to the Spirit of Satsuma and all our local high school bands on a wonderful year!" appearing directly above some text of, "Sponsored by JBT." (appearing directly above a hyperlink (connected to a certain part of a certain World Wide Web site related to WKRG-TV) involving a static image appearing directly above some text of, "WKRG.COM" appearing directly above some text of, "JBT Power Band of the Year: 'Spirit of Satsuma' |" appearing directly above some text of, "SATSUMA, Ala. (WKRG) — After a historic band season, filled with several to...") related to its administration the Saturday of the sixteenth day of the month of December of the calendar year just before this one (2023).    
  • A certain Facebook page related to WALA-TV appeared to have had at least one section or part involving groups of text such as some text of, "FOX10 News with Baldwin EMC." appearing directly above some text of, "Paid Partnership" appearing directly above some (unobjective) text of, "Congratulations to this Shining Star! Ann Robinson of Daphne Middle School was chosen as the Baldwin EMC Shining Star Student for the month of December.  Ann was nominated for displaying integrity, innovation, accountability and commitment to the community." appearing directly above some text of, "#ShiningStarStudents #KeepShining" related to its administration the Monday of the fifteenth day of this January (note: there often appeared to have had been TV programming related to WALA-TV involving audible audible (and visual) and mentionings of "FOX10 [or FOX 10]" (with pronunciations that could be spelled as FOX TEN, Fox TEN, FOX ten, fox ten, FOX ten, and fox TEN) (with or without audible mentionings of "News [or news]" immediately afterwards) being broadcast on at least one broadcast channel related to WALA-TV (or at least one main broadcast channel related to WALA-TV) before the Monday or day of January mentioned earlier in this paragraph during certain calendar years prior to this one (or during certain calendar years prior to this calendar year of 2024)).

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Commentary: A certain finding of extreme unobjectivity (or opinionation) on a certain Facebook page related to a certain TV station (with a news operation) related to southwest Alabama named WKRG-TV

  • A certain Facebook page related to WKRG-TV appeared to have had at least one section or part involving groups of text such as some text of, "WKRG" appearing directly above some text of, "11 hours ago" appearing directly above some text of, "HUGE news out of the South Alabama football program as Wommack looks to be on the move." appearing directly above some text of, "[*]" appearing directly above some text of, "#breakingnews #sports #collegefootball" appearing directly above static imagery appearing directly above some text of, "Simone Eli" appearing directly above some text of, "11 hours ago" appearing directly above some text of, "BREAKING: Multiple sources close to the South Alabama program tell me that Jags head coach Kane Wommack is set to take the Alabama defensive coordinator job." appearing directly above some text of, "The news was first reported by ESPN. FULL WKRG story here:[*]" related to its administration the Tuesday of the sixteenth day of this January (*note: parts of hyperlinks (""; "") connected to a certain World Wide Web related to WKRG-TV).

News for Wednesday, January 17th, 2024

  • A certain World Wide Web site related to WALA-TV appeared to have had at least one section or page involving groups of text such as some text of, "FOX10 staff answers winter-themed questions" appearing directly above a video appearing directly above some text of, "In FOX10 Live’s latest newsroom poll, staff members respond to winter-themed questions." appearing directly above some text of, "By WALA Digital Staff" appearing directly above some text of, "Published: Jan. 17, 2024 at 3:54 PM CST  |  Updated: 38 minutes ago" appearing directly above some graphics appearing directly above some text of, "MOBILE, Ala. (WALA) - In FOX10 Live’s latest newsroom poll, staff members respond to winter-themed questions." this Wednesday (note: there often appeared to have had been TV programming related to WALA-TV involving audible audible (and visual) and mentionings of "FOX10 [or FOX 10]" (with pronunciations that could be spelled as FOX TEN, Fox TEN, FOX ten, fox ten, FOX ten, and fox TEN) (with or without audible mentionings of "News [or news]" immediately afterwards) being broadcast on at least one broadcast channel related to WALA-TV (or at least one main broadcast channel related to WALA-TV) before this Wednesday during certain calendar years prior to this one (or during certain calendar years prior to this calendar year of 2024)) 
  • A certain Facebook page related to WKRG-TV appeared to have had at least one section or part involving groups of text such as some text of, "WKRG" appearing directly above some text of, "Just now" appearing directly above some text of, " 'And we're just getting started...' " appearing directly above some text of, "Congratulations for one *amazing* year as sports director, Simone Eli!" appearing directly above static imagery appearing directly above some text of, "Simone Eli is at WKRG." appearing directly above some text of, "4h · Mobile  ·" appearing directly above some text of, "ONE YEAR  as the Sports Director at WKRG!  So grateful and thankful to do what I love everyday!" appearing directly above some text of, "I couldn’t be more proud of the work our team has done this past year! From launching our new HSFB show brand '5th Quarter,' 33 Teams in 33 Days, Senior Bowl specials, great coverage of our area programs winning state titles, dominating breaking sports news at every level, our biggest digital/social media numbers ever and so much more… and we’re just getting started!" appearing directly above some text of, "Thankful to work alongside the best teammate and friend Gerhard Mathangani!!  Ready for another year of sports in the 251!!" appearing directly above some text of, "#TVlife #MobileAlabama #SportsDirector #NexstarNation #Journalist #TVsports" related to its administration this Wednesday. 

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

News for Tuesday, January 16th, 2024

  • A certain Facebook page related to WKRG-TV appeared to have had at least one section or part involving groups of text such as some (unobjective) text of, "Brrrrrr!!!!   Thanks to icy conditions, it wasn't your typical morning commute today, but WKRG News 5 This Morning had your back!" appearing directly above a video related to its administration this Tuesday (note: there often appeared to have had been TV programming related to WKRG-TV (such as certain parts of such programming (related to WKRG-TV) related to news) involving audible mentionings of "News 5 [or Five]" (with or without audible mentionings of "WKRG" immediately before them) being broadcast at on at least one broadcast channel related to WKRG-TV (or at least one main broadcast channel related to WKRG-TV) before this Tuesday during certain calendar years prior to this one (or during certain calendar years prior to this calendar year of 2024)). 
  • A certain World Wide Web site related to WKRG-TV appeared to have had at least one section or page involving groups of text such as some text of, "MOBILE COUNTY" appearing directly above some text of, 'Shamonee Baker named ‘News 5 This Morning’ anchor" appearing directly above some text of, "by: Thomas Boni" appearing directly above some text of, "Posted: Jan 16, 2024 / 04:26 PM CST" (appearing directly to the left of a video) appearing directly above some text of, "Updated: Jan 16, 2024 / 06:27 PM CST" appearing directly above some text of, "SHARE" appearing directly above a horizontal line appearing directly above some text of, "MOBILE, Ala. (WKRG) — WKRG-TV viewers will soon see a familiar face in the anchor chair during 'News 5 This Morning:' Shamonee Baker." this Tuesday (note: there often appeared to have had been TV programming related to WKRG-TV (such as certain parts of such programming (related to WKRG-TV) related to news) involving audible mentionings of "News 5 [or Five]" (with or without audible mentionings of "WKRG" immediately before them and/or with or without audible mentionings of "This Morning [or this morning]" immediately after them) being broadcast at on at least one broadcast channel related to WKRG-TV (or at least one main broadcast channel related to WKRG-TV) before this Tuesday during certain calendar years prior to this one (or during certain calendar years prior to this calendar year of 2024)).
  • A certain Facebook page related to WALA-TV appeared to have had at least one section or part involving groups of text such as some text of, "FOX10 News" appearing directly above some text of, "3 hours ago" appearing directly above some text of, "FOX10 News Midday is streaming live now while Ohio State at Michigan NCAA basketball is on the air. >> WATCH >>[*]" (appearing directly above static imagery) related to its administration the Monday of the fifteenth day of this January (*note: parts of a hyperlink ("") connected to a certain part of a certain World Wide Web site related to WALA-TV) (note: there often appeared to have had been TV programming related to WALA-TV involving audible audible (and visual) and mentionings of "FOX10 [or FOX 10]" (with pronunciations that could be spelled as FOX TEN, Fox TEN, FOX ten, fox ten, FOX ten, and fox TEN) (with or without audible mentionings of "News [or news]" immediately afterwards) being broadcast on at least one broadcast channel related to WALA-TV (or at least one main broadcast channel related to WALA-TV) before the Monday or day of January mentioned earlier in this paragraph during certain calendar years prior to this one (or during certain calendar years prior to this calendar year of 2024)) (update for Monday, January 15th, 2024: a certain Facebook page related to WALA-TV appeared to have had at least one section or part involving groups of text such as some text of, "FOX10 News" appearing directly above some text of, "3 hours ago" appearing directly above some text of, "FOX10 News at 4 p.m. and 5 p.m. is streaming live while PBA bowling is on the air. >> WATCH >>[**] (appearing directly above static imagery) related to its administration this Monday (**note: parts of a hyperlink ("") connected to a certain part of a certain World Wide Web site related to WALA-TV).

Monday, January 15, 2024

News for Monday, January 15th, 2024

  • A certain Facebook page related to WKRG-TV appeared to have had at least one section or part involving groups of text such as some text of, "WKRG" appearing directly above static imagery" appearing directly above some text of, "WKRG Asher Redd is at WKRG." appearing directly above some text of, "13 hours ago   · Mobile  ·" appearing directly above some text of, "Join me tonight at 9:00 on The Gulf Coast CW and at 10:00 on WKRG as I fill in for WKRG Shamonee Baker!!" appearing directly above some text of, "We’ve got a lot to talk about, so I’ll see you there!" appearing directly above some text of, "WKRG Grant Skinner #news #newsreporter #journalism #reporter" related to its administration the Sunday of the fifteenth day of this January (note #1: there often appeared to have had been TV programming related to WFNA-TV involving audible mentionings of "The Gulf Coast CW [or the Gulf Coast CW]" being broadcast on at least one broadcast channel related to WFNA-TV (or at least one main broadcast channel related to WFNA-TV) or at least one broadcast channel related to WKRG-TV (or at least one main broadcast channel to WKRG-TV) before the Sunday or day of January mentioned earlier in this paragraph during certain calendar years prior to this one (or during certain calendar years prior to this calendar year of 2024) (note #2: WKRG-TV and WFNA-TV often appeared to have had been members of a holding company named the Nexstar Media Group before the Sunday or day of January mentioned earlier in this paragraph during certain calendar years prior to this one (or during certain calendar years prior to this calendar year of 2024)). 
  • A certain World Wide Web site related to WALA-TV appeared to have had at least one section or part involving groups of text such as some (unobjective) text of, ""On behalf of everyone at FOX10 News, we are proud of you, Bri! Congratulations on a job well done at Miss America!" (appearing indirectly below some text of "Mobile native shines bright at Miss America in Orlando" appearing directly above some text f, "Brianna Burrell, Miss Alabama, was in Orlando this week vying for the title of Miss America." appearing directly above a video appearing directly above some text of, ""Mobile native Brianna Burrell, also known as Miss Alabama, was in Orlando this week vying for the title of Miss America." appearing directly above some text of, "By Ashlyn Mitchell" appearing directly above some text of, "Published: Jan. 14, 2024 at 9:50 PM CST  |  Updated: 12 hours ago" appearing directly above some graphics appearing directly above some text of, "MOBILE, Ala. (WALA) - Mobile native Brianna Burrell, also known as Miss Alabama, was in Orlando this week vying for the title of Miss America." this Monday (note #1: a certain Facebook page related to WALA-TV appeared to have had at least one section or part involving a hyperlink connected to a section or page of the kind mentioned earlier in this paragraph (or at least one such section or part involving such hyperlink appearing directly below some text of, "Congratulations on a job well done at Miss America, Bri!") this Monday (note #2: there often appeared to have had been TV programming related to WALA-TV involving audible audible (and visual) and mentionings of "FOX10 [or FOX 10]" (with pronunciations that could be spelled as FOX TEN, Fox TEN, FOX ten, fox ten, FOX ten, and fox TEN) (with or without audible mentionings of "News [or news]" immediately afterwards) being broadcast on at least one broadcast channel related to WALA-TV (or at least one main broadcast channel related to WALA-TV) before this Monday during certain calendar years prior to this one (or during certain calendar years prior to this calendar year of 2024)). 

Sunday, January 14, 2024

News for Sunday, January 14th, 2024

  • A certain Facebook page related to WKRG-TV appeared to have had at least one section or part involving groups of text such as some (unobjective) text of, "Madeline is ready for adoption, folks! (Thank you to Port City Pups for sponsoring our Pet of the Week segment.)" (appearing directly above a hyperlink (connected to a certain pat of a certain World Wide Web site related to WKRG-TV) involving a static image appearing directly above some text of, "WKRG.COM" appearing directly above some text of, "Pet of the Week: Mini-Madeline needs a snuggle |" appearing directly above some text of, "Our Pet of the Week is a two-year-old terrier/dachshund mix named Madeline.") related to its administration the Monday of the eighth day of this January (note: there often appeared to have had been TV programming related to WKRG-TV (such as certain parts of such programming (related to WKRG-TV) related to news) involving audible mentionings of "Pet of the Week [or pet of the week]" being broadcast on at least one broadcast channel related to WKRG-TV (or at least one main broadcast channel related to WKRG-TV) before the Monday or day of January mentioned earlier in this paragraph during certain calendar years prior to this one (or during certain calendar years prior to this calendar year of 2024)).

Commentary: Findings of blatant unobjectivity (or opinionation) on a certain Facebook page related to a certain TV station (with a news operation) related to southwest Alabama named WKRG-TV

  • A certain Facebook page related to WKRG-TV appeared to have had at least one section or part involving groups of text such as some text of, "Let's hear it for Baldwin EMC (pictured) and all the crews working to restore power!" appearing directly above static imagery (with certain parts such as some resembling at least two hands) appearing directly above some text of, "." appearing directly above some text of, "The electric cooperative said it dealt with broken poles on Highway 90, east of County Road 87, which caused power outages." appearing directly above some text of, "." appearing directly above some text of, " 'There are also broken cross-arms and wire down throughout other parts of our service territory,' a spokesperson said. 'Our crews are working to make repairs and get power restored as safely and as quickly as possible.' " appearing directly above some text of, "." appearing directly above some text of, " 'We ask for patience as it was a long night for our line workers and will be a long day as they work safely to restore power to every member.' " appearing directly above some text of, "---" appearing directly above some text of, "Follow the latest destruction reported in our coverage area:[*]" appearing directly above static imagery related to its administration the Tuesday of the ninth day of this January (*note: parts of a hyperlink ("") connected to a certain part of a certain World Wide Web site related to WKRG-TV) (first update for Wednesday, January 10th, 2024: a certain Facebook page related to WKRG-TV appeared to have had at least one section or part involving groups of text such as some text of, "WKRG" appearing directly above some text of, "16 hours ago" appearing directly above static imagery appearing directly above some text of, "WKRG Caroline Carithers" appearing directly above some text of, "18 hours ago" appearing directly above some text of, "Finally, the sunshine is back  Just wanted to take a moment and thank yall for trusting the WKRG News 5 team during severe weather and every day. Our #1 goal is to keep you safe, and we cannot thank you enough for tuning in and trusting us. " related to its administration this Wednesday (note: there often appeared to have had been TV programming related to WKRG-TV (such as certain parts of such programming (related to WKRG-TV) related to news) involving audible mentionings of "News 5 [or Five]" (with or without audible mentionings of "WKRG" immediately before them) being broadcast on at least one broadcast channel related to WKRG-TV (or at least one main broadcast channel related to WKRG-TV) before this Wednesday during certain calendar years prior to this one (or during certain calendar years prior to this calendar year of 2024)) (second update for Wednesday, January 10th, 2024: a certain Facebook page related to WKRG-TV appeared to have had at least one section or part involving groups of text such as some text of, "Severe weather struck early this year — and News 5's First Alert Storm Team provided round-the-clock information and updates to keep Gulf Coast viewers safe during the storms. Let's hear it for our excellent team of meteorologists!   WKRG Ed Bloodsworth WKRG John Nodar WKRG Caroline Carithers WKRG Grant Skinner Meteorologist Lexi Birmingham  #TrustWhatEdSays" appearing directly above a video related to its administration this Wednesday).

Saturday, January 13, 2024

News for Saturday, January 13th, 2024

(note: a certain part (or a certain paragraph) of a certain report for this site published before this one named "News for Saturday, December 30th, 2023" was amended (with an "update") this Saturday (specifically the paragraph near its bottom))  

  • A certain Facebook page related to WKRG-TV appeared to have had at least one section or part involving groups of text such as some text of "WKRG and Chavis Furniture and want you to enjoy the big game in comfort and style! Click the link below to learn how you can enter to win one of two recliners and watch the big game from the best seat in town." appearing directly above some text of, "[*]" related to its administration this Saturday (*note: parts of a hyperlink ("") connected to a certain part of a certain World Wide Web site related to WKRG-TV) (update for Friday, January 19th, 2024: a certain piece of electronic mail received this Friday appeared to have had groups of text such as some text of, "Hi [recipient of piece of electronic mail]," appearing directly above some text of, "Come check out the Best Seat in Town Giveaway! Enter for your chance to win between Saturday, January 13, 2024 at 12:01 AM and Thursday, February 1, 2024 at 11:59 PM Central Time." appearing directly above some text of, "Good Luck!" appearing directly above some text of, "WKRG" (appearing directly above a hyperlink (connected to a certain part of a certain World Wide Web site related to WKRG-TV) involving a horizontal rectangular graphic consisting of some text of, "Enter Now).
  • A certain World Wide Web site related to WALA-TV appeared to have had at least one section or page involving groups of text such as some text of, "LoDa ArtWalk celebrates Mickey Mouse" appearing directly above a video appearing directly above some text of, "LoDa Artwalk celebrated Mickey Mouse Friday night, and FOX10 got in on the action as well." appearing directly above some text of, "By WALA Staff" appearing directly above some text of, "Published: Jan. 12, 2024 at 10:21 PM CST  |  Updated: 10 hours ago" appearing directly above some graphics appearing directly above some text of, "MOBILE, Ala. (WALA) - LoDa Artwalk celebrated Mickey Mouse Friday night, and FOX10 got in on the action as well." this Saturday (note: there often appeared to have had been TV programming related to WALA-TV involving audible audible (and visual) and mentionings of "FOX10 [or FOX 10]" (with pronunciations that could be spelled as FOX TEN, Fox TEN, FOX ten, fox ten, FOX ten, and fox TEN) (with or without audible mentionings of "News [or news]" immediately afterwards) being broadcast on at least one broadcast channel related to WALA-TV (or at least one main broadcast channel related to WALA-TV) before this Saturday during calendar years prior to this one (or during certain calendar years prior to this calendar year of 2024)).

Friday, January 12, 2024

News for Friday, January 12th, 2024

(note: a certain part (or a certain paragraph) of a certain report for this site published before this one named "News for Saturday, December 30th, 2023" was amended (with an "update") this Friday (specifically the paragraph near its bottom)) (update for Saturday, January 13th, 2024: the part of the report mentioned in the note just before this update was amended again (with another "update") this Saturday)

  • A certain World Wide Web site related to WKRG-TV appeared to have had at least one section or page involving groups of text such as some text of, "BLACK HISTORY MONTH" appearing directly above some text of, "Nexstar marks Dr. Martin Luther King Day with special featuring his only grandchild" appearing directly above some text of, "by: Nexstar Media Wire" appearing directly above some text of, "Posted: Jan 10, 2024 / 06:27 PM CST" appearing directly above some text of, "Updated: Jan 11, 2024 / 08:27 AM CST" (appearing directly to the left of a video) appearing directly above a horizontal line some text of, "IRVING, Texas (NEXSTAR) — Nexstar will air 'A Granddaughter’s Dream,' a tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and his wife Coretta Scott King, across all of its owned or partner television stations beginning Saturday, January 13, to coincide with the national celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King Day. The half-hour program features Yolanda Renee King, the only grandchild of the slain civil rights leader and his wife." the Thursday of the eleventh day of this January (note: WKRG-TV often appeared to have had been part of a holding company named Nexstar (or the Nexstar Media Group) before the Thursday or day of January mentioned earlier in this paragraph during certain calendar years prior to this one (or during certain calendar years prior to this calendar year of 2024) (first update for Saturday, January 20th, 2024: a certain Facebook page related to WKRG-TV appeared to have had at least one section or part involving groups of text such as some text of, "WKRG" appearing directly above some text of, "9 hours ago" appearing directly above some text of, "Heads up! On Saturday, we're airing a special tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his wife, Coretta Scott King, as the nation prepares for Black History Month.  Watch 'A Granddaughter’s Dream,' 6 p.m. Jan. 20 on WKRG." (appearing directly above static imagery) related to its administration this Saturday) (second update for Saturday January 20th, 2024: a certain Facebook page related to WKRG-TV appeared to have had at least one section or part involving groups of text such as some text of, "WKRG" appearing directly above some text of, "2h" appearing directly above some text of, "Tonight, we're airing a special tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his wife, Coretta Scott King, as the nation prepares for Black History Month. Watch 'A Granddaughter’s Dream,' 6 p.m. Jan. 20 on WKRG." (appearing directly above static imagery) related to its administration this Saturday).
  • A certain Facebook page related to WALA-TV appeared to have had at least one section or part involving a video appearing behind groups of text such as some text of, "FOX10 News" appearing directly above some text of, "Reels ᐧ Jan 8" appearing directly above some text of, "Road Rage crimes are up 44% and it's not just adults in the line of fire. InvestigateTV+ meets one family whose lives are forever changed today at 3:30 on FOX10. #roadrage #baddrivers #safety #familysafety See less" appearing directly above some text of, "[...]OX10 News ᐧ Original audio      FOX1[...]" (or at least one such hyperlink connected to a video appearing with groups of text similar to some of the ones mentioned earlier in this paragraph) related to it administration the Tuesday of the eighth day of this January) (note: there often appeared to have had been TV programming related to WALA-TV involving audible audible (and visual) and mentionings of "FOX10 [or FOX 10]" (with pronunciations that could be spelled as FOX TEN, Fox TEN, FOX ten, fox ten, FOX ten, and fox TEN) (with or without audible mentionings of "News [or news]" immediately afterwards) being broadcast on at least one broadcast channel related to WALA-TV (or at least one main broadcast channel related to WALA-TV) before the Tuesday or day of January mentioned earlier in this paragraph during certain calendar years prior to this one (or during certain calendar years prior to this calendar year of 2024)) (first update for Wednesday, January 10th, 2024: a certain Facebook page related to WALA-TV appeared to have had at least one section or part involving a video appearing behind groups of text such as some text of, "FOX10 News" appearing directly above some text of, "Reels ᐧ Jan 10" appearing directly above some text of, "How one female veteran is highlighting other women women today at 3:30 on FOX10. #Veteran #WomenWhoServe #FemaleVeteran #Photographer #Army #Navy #Marines #CoastGuard #AirForce See less" appearing directly above some text of, "[...]OX10 News ᐧ Original audio      FOX1[...]" (or at least one such hyperlink connected to a video appearing with groups of text similar to some of the ones mentioned earlier in this update) related to it administration this Wednesday) (second update for Wednesday, January 10th, 2024: a certain Facebook page related to WALA-TV appeared to have had at least one section or part involving a video appearing behind groups of text such as some text of, "FOX10 News" appearing directly above some text of, "Reels ᐧ Jan 10" appearing directly above some text of, "#Stormtracker #WeatherAlertDay #AlertingYouFirst #Weather #SevereWeather #WX" appearing directly above some text of, "[...]OX10 News ᐧ Original audio      FOX1[...]" (or at least one such hyperlink connected to a video appearing with groups of text similar to some of the ones mentioned earlier in this update) related to it administration this Wednesday).

Thursday, January 11, 2024

News for Thursday, January 11th, 2024

  • A certain World Wide Web site involving various texts of, "ebay" appeared to have had at least one section or page involving groups of text such as some text of, "S15 University of South Alabama 1990/91 Men's/Womens Basketball Pocket Schedule" (appearing directly to the right of static imagery such as some involving certain parts such as some resembling some text of, "WKRG-AM" and some text of, "WKRG-FM") and at least one section or page involving groups of text such as some text of, "JS15 University of South Alabama 1987/88 Men's/Womens Basketball Pocket Schedule" (appearing directly to the right of static imagery such as some involving certain parts such as some resembling some text of, "WKRG" appearing directly above some text of, "RADIO 710" and some text of, "WKRG" appearing directly above some text of, "FM 99.9") this Thursday.
  • A certain Facebook page related to Alabama Public Radio (or a certain Facebook page related to a certain company named Alabama Public Radio related to a certain radio station related to southwest Alabama named WHIL-FM) appeared to have had at least one section or part involving groups of text such as some text of, "You never have to be without Alabama Public Radio. We are now available to stream via the APR App! Once you download the app you can choose our live programming, BBC World Service 24 hours a day or for our die hard classical lovers you now have the option to listen to classical music ALL DAY LONG! The app is FREE to you, but the programs you hear on APR are made possible through the generous support of our contributing listeners. #news #APR #classicalmusic" (appearing directly above static imagery) related to its administration this Thursday.
  • A certain Facebook page related to WKRG-TV appeared to have had at least one section or part involving groups of text such as some text of, "Quick questions, MAWSS customers:" appearing directly above some text of, "Did you know you had to create a new account to auto-pay your water bill?" appearing directly above some text of, "Did you get a recent notice of delinquency for failure to pay?" appearing directly above some text of, "Please let us know in the comments below for a story we're working on." appearing directly above some text of, "." appearing directly above some text of, "News 5's Asher Redd will be in touch!" (appearing directly above static imagery) related to its administration the Wednesday of the tenth day of this January (note: there often appeared to have had been TV programming related to WKRG-TV (such as certain parts of such programming (related to WKRG-TV) related to news) involving audible mentionings of "News 5 [or Five]" (with or without audible mentionings of "WKRG" immediately before them) being broadcast on at least one broadcast channel related to WKRG-TV (or at least one main broadcast channel related to WKRG-TV) before the Wednesday or day of January mentioned earlier in this paragraph during certain calendar years prior to this one (or during certain calendar years prior to this calendar year of 2024)).   
  • A certain Facebook page related to WNSP-FM appeared to have had at least one section or part involving groups of text such as some text of, "Tune in to WPMI NBC 15 News and FOX10 News to hear our own Corey LaBounty and Senior Bowl Director Jim Nagy react to Nick Saban's retiring." (appearing directly above static imagery) related to its administration this Thursday (note: there often appeared to have had been TV programming related to WALA-TV involving audible audible (and visual) and mentionings of "FOX10 [or FOX 10]" (with pronunciations that could be spelled as FOX TEN, Fox TEN, FOX ten, fox ten, FOX ten, and fox TEN) (with or without audible mentionings of "News [or news]" immediately afterwards) being broadcast on at least one broadcast channel related to WALA-TV (or at least one main broadcast channel related to WALA-TV) before this Thursday during certain calendar years prior to this one (or during certain calendar years prior to this calendar year of 2024)) (note #2: there often appeared to have had been TV programming related to WPMI-TV (such as certain parts of such programming (related to WPMI-TV) related to news) involving audible mentionings of "NBC 15 [or NBC Fifteen]" being broadcast on at least one broadcast channel related to WPMI-TV (or at least one main broadcast channel related to WPMI-TV) during certain calendar years prior to this one (or during certain calendar years prior to this calendar year of 2024)).

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Commentary: A certain finding of certain text found to had been vulgar, unnecessary, and unprofessional on a certain Facebook page related to a certain TV station (with a news operation) related to southwest Alabama named WALA-TV)

News for Wednesday, January 10th, 2024

  • A certain Facebook page related to WKRG-TV appeared to have had at least one section or part involving groups of text such as some text of, "Our Serving Those Who Serve hero from December 2022 passed away in November 2023. Wally Sabin, originally from Long Island, New York, decided to enlist in the Navy as soon as he was of legal age, so he tried. Click below to to remember and learn more about this amazing Serving Those Who Serve hero!" appearing directly above some text of, "" (or parts of a hyperlink (connected to a certain part of a certain World Wide Web site related to WKRG-TV)) appearing directly above some text of, "Serving Those Who Serve is a community partnership with Gulfsouth Honda Dealers and WKRG News 5." (appearing directly above a hyperlink (connected to a certain part of a certain World Wide Web site related to WKRG-TV) involving a static image appearing directly above some text of, "STWS WWII Submarine Veteran Wally Sabin dies" appearing directly above some text of, "Our Serving Those Who Serve hero from December 2022 passed away in Novem...") related to its administration the Monday of the eighth day of this January (note: there often appeared to have had been TV programming related to WKRG-TV (such as certain parts of such programming (related to WKRG-TV) related to news) involving audible mentionings of "News 5 [or Five]" (with or without audible mentionings of "WKRG" immediately before them) being broadcast on at least one broadcast channel related to WKRG-TV (or at least one main broadcast channel related to WKRG-TV) before the Monday or day of January mentioned earlier in this paragraph during certain calendar years prior to this one (or during certain calendar years prior to this calendar year of 2024)).

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

News for Tuesday, January 9th, 2024

  • A certain Facebook page involving various texts of, "Marketplace" appeared to have had at least one section or part involving groups of text such as some text of, "Mobile Mystics Duffle Bag Sealed Mobile Interest New Sealed WKRG And 95KSJ" appearing indirectly above some text of, "Details" appearing directly above some text of, "Condition                          New" appearing directly above some text of, "Vintage Mobile Mystics Duffle Bag!  Super cool item for us Mobile folks.  Has advertising logos for WKRG and 95 KSJ.  Never removed from the protective plastic bag.  Measures 21 inches x 10 inches." (appearing directly to the right of some static imagery) this Tuesday (note: there often appeared to have had been TV programming (such as certain parts of such programming related to advertising) involving audible mentionings of "WKRG" and "95KSJ [or 95 KSJ or Ninety-five KSJ]" being broadcast on at least one broadcast channel related to southwest Alabama before this Tuesday during certain calendar years prior to this one (or during certain calendar years prior to this calendar year of 2024) (note #2: there often appeared to have had been a TV station related to southwest Alabama named WKRG-TV and a radio station related to southwest Alabama named WKSJ-FM before this Tuesday during certain calendar years prior to this one (or during certain calendar years prior to this calendar year of 2024)).