"An Unusual Paragraph for this Site (or an Unusual Part of a Certain Report for this Site)"

Introduction: the following paragraph was made in regards to a certain TV set in southwest Alabama and originally part of a report for this site named "News for Saturday, December 26th, 2020".

  • Certain broadcast channels related to certain TV stations either within southwest Alabama or near southwest Alabama (specifically some main channels and sub-channels related to WEAR-TV, WFGX-TV, WDPM-DT, WSRE-TV, WHBR-TV, and WMPV-TV, a main channels related to WPAN-TV, and some sub-channels related to WJTC-TV) often appeared to have had black images (or completely black or completely blank images) between the end of the hour of 4:00 a.m. for this Saturday and the beginning of the hour of 7:00 p.m. on the Friday of the twenty-fifth day of this December (first update for Saturday, December 26th, 2020: there often appeared to have had been some black images being broadcast on a main channel related to WJTC-TV in addition to the channels related to the stations mentioned earlier in this paragraph during the hour of 1:00 p.m. for this Saturday (second update for Saturday, December 26th, 2020: there often appeared to have had been some black images being broadcast on a main channel and some sub-channels related to WPMI-TV in addition to the channels related to the stations mentioned earlier in this paragraph during the second half of the hour of 3:00 p.m. for this Saturday (third update for Saturday, December 26th, 2020: there appeared to have had been some images involving elements and colors being broadcast on some main channels related to WPMI-TV and WJTC-TV and some sub-channels related to WPMI-TV between the beginning of the second half of the hour of 4:00 p.m. for this Saturday and the end of the first half of the hour of 5:00 p.m. for this Saturday whereas there often appeared to have had been some black images being broadcast on the sub-channels related to WJTC-TV and the channels for the other stations mentioned earlier in this paragraph (first update for Sunday, December 27th, 2020: there often appeared to have had been some black images being broadcast on some sub-channels related to WFNA-TV in addition to the channels related to WEAR-TV, WFGX-TV, WDPM-DT, WSRE-TV, WHBR-TV, and WMPV-TV mentioned earlier in this paragraph during the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 3:00 a.m. for this Sunday (second update for Sunday, December 27th, 2020: there often appeared to had been some black images being broadcast on a main channel and some sub-channels related to WEIQ-TV in addition to the channels related to the stations mentioned in the note just before this one during the first half of the hour of 8:00 a.m. for this Sunday (third update for Sunday, December 27th, 2020: there often appeared to have had been various images involving various colors being broadcast on some main channels and sub-channels related to WEIQ-TV and WSRE-TV whereas the channels for the other stations mentioned in the first update for this Sunday in this paragraph often appeared to have had black images during the second half of the hour of 9:00 a.m. for this Sunday (update for Monday December 28th, 2020: all of the channels related to the stations mentioned earlier in this paragraph appeared to have had various images involving various colors during the hour of 6:00 a.m. this Monday))))))). 
Conclusion: a certain technical problem with a certain antenna (specifically one involving a certain cord connected to the antenna and a certain source of electricity for the antenna) connected to the TV set mentioned in the introduction to this paragraph was the reason the paragraph was ever made (note: the problem was solved by the last update for the paragraph).

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