Conversations in Broadcasting #126

Certain parts of a certain TV program dedicated to entertainment and lifestyles that appeared to have had been part of the main broadcast channel for WALA-TV during the hour of 9:00 a.m. on the Monday of the eighth day of the month of June for the calendar year 2020 ("Studio 10") appeared to have had these phrases and certain contributors of some of its content (some hosts of that content named Joe Emer and Chelsey Sayasane and a reporter of news named Asha Staples):

[note #1: the program appeared to have had a video involving a contributor named Asha Staples appear with digital graphics with parts resembling text of "LIVE" and "BREAKING NEWS" and some digital graphics involving groups of text such as some text of, "BREAKING NEWS", some text of, "CLEANING UP FROM CRISTOBAL", and some text of, "DAUPHIN ISLAND" immediately before appearing to have had this part]

Joe Emer: Hey Asha. Can we go back to Asha real quick. So some serious news as we're

[note #2: the part appeared to have had a contributor named Asha Staples appear by this point]

Disembodied voices (similar to the voices this part appeared to have had for a contributor named Joe Emer while appearing to have had the contributor appear to speak): Keeping [or -- keeping] an eye--

Asha Staples: Yes.

Disembodied voices (similar to the voices this part appeared to have had for a contributor named Joe Emer while appearing to have had the contributor appear to speak): -- on all this traffic, but Asha can you tell Robert Brown, a happy birthday from all of us here, at Studio 10.

Asha Staples: I asked him, and if he wanted me to give him a birthday shoutout-- 

Disembodied voices (similar to the voices this part appeared to have had for a contributor named Joe Emer while appearing to have had the contributor appear to speak): Ha ha ha.

Disembodied voices (similar to the voices this part appeared to have had for a contributor named Chelsey Sayasane while appearing to have had the contributor appear to speak): Ha!

Asha Staples: -- and he said no, and we are talking about something a little bit serious.

Disembodied voices (similar to the voices this part appeared to have had for a contributor named Joe Emer while appearing to have had the contributor appear to speak): Right.

Asha Staples: -- today, but we want to say happy birthday to Robert Brown.

Disembodied voices (similar to the voices this part appeared to have had for a contributor named Joe Emer while appearing to have had the contributor appear to speak): There is it!

Disembodied voices (similar to the voices this part appeared to have had for a contributor named Chelsey Sayasane while appearing to have had the contributor appear to speak): Heh heh heh!

Asha Staples: [with rhythm] Happy birthday to you.

Disembodied voices (similar to the voices this part appeared to have had for a contributor named Joe Emer while appearing to have had the contributor appear to speak): Yeah!

Disembodied voices (similar to the voices this part appeared to have had for a contributor named Chelsey Sayasane while appearing to have had the contributor appear to speak): Ha ha ha!

Disembodied voices (similar to the voices this part appeared to have had for a contributor named Joe Emer while appearing to have had the contributor appear to speak): Work it up!

Asha Staples: [with rhythm] Happy birthday to you. 

Disembodied voices (similar to the voices this part appeared to have had for a contributor named Chelsey Sayasane while appearing to have had the contributor appear to speak): We love it. Happy birthday, Robert. You know we're spending

[note #3: the part appeared to have had some contributors named Joe Emer and Chelsey Sayasane appear again by this point]

Chelsey Sayasane: His [or --his birthday outdoors--

Joe Emer: Yes.

Chelsey Sayasane: -- in the rain with Asha keeping you updated so, he's a vital part of our team here at FOX 10 and it's fun to celebrate him.

Joe Emer: Long-time photographer here at FOX 10, Robert Brown, that's my dude right there.


Chelsey Sayasane: This is something really cool we recently started. FOX 10 News continues to honor local graduates.

Joe Emer: Yeah, throughout the month of June we'll be working with the Mobile County public school system, to salute the valedictorian, and the salutatorian, of each school in Mobile County.

Chelsey Sayasane: Yeah, so this morning we want to honor Shelby Oliver, salutatorian of Alma-Bryant High School for all of her outstanding accomplishments.

[note #4: the part appeared to have had some animated graphics appear before appearing to have had a certain being appear with some some digital graphics involving groups of text such as some text of, "SHELBY OLIVER", and some text of, "SALEDICTORIAN, ALMA BRYANT HIGH SCHOOL" immediately afterwards by this point [note #5: certain parts of a certain World Wide Web site related to WALA-TV each appeared to have had a video similar to this one on the Monday of the eighth day of the month of June for the calendar year 2020]

Chelsey Sayasane: How fun.

Joe Emer: Great stuff there. Congratulations to Shelby, and good luck to her, on her future endeavours. If you missed seeing your senior on TV, you can head over to our Web site, fox10tv dot com, and click on the YouTube page.

Chelsey Sayasane: That's right. Congratulations to her, congratulations to all of the graduates.

Joe Emer: That's right. We'll be right back with more Studio 10, after this break. Stick around.

[note #5: the part appeared to have had faded to black afterwards]


Certain parts of a certain TV program dedicated to entertainment and lifestyles that appeared to have had been part of their main broadcast channel during the hour of 9:00 a.m. on the Thursday of the eleventh day of the month of June for the calendar year 2020 ("Studio 10") appeared to have had these phrases and certain contributors of some of their contents (some hosts for them named Chelsey Sayasane and Joe Emer): 

Chelsey Sayasane: Well coming up on Studio 10, Starbucks changes its focus as it makes plans to close some its traditional stores,.

[note #1: the part appeared to have had a video involving digital graphics and some text of, "COMING UP" appear by this point]

Disembodied voices (similar to the voices this part appeared to have had for a contributor named Joe Emer while appearing to have had the contributor appear to speak):  And we're opening the FOX 10 vault. That's cool

Disembodied voices (similar to the voices this part appeared to have had for a contributor named Chelsey Sayasane while appearing to have had the contributor appear to speak): So cool 

Disembodied voices (similar to the voices this part appeared to have had for a contributor named Joe Emer while appearing to have had the contributor appear to speak): Up next a story from nineteen seventy five that was right here on FOX 10, about a rush, to buy new license plates. Stick around, you're watching FOX 10 News, and the year is nineteen seventy five.

[note #5: the part appeared to have had faded to black afterwards]


Joe Emer: So this is cool. Something new. 

Chelsey Sayasane: Yeah.             

Joe Emer: Time to reach into the FOX 10 vault. We're going to start bringing you these news stories that have aired over the years on FOX 10. 

Chelsey Sayasane: Y'all, this is so cool. So this time John Keffer reports on a rush to get new license plates, back in nineteen seventy five. Take a look. 

[note #2: the part appeared to have had a video with a digital graphic involving text of, "FOX10 Vault" appear over a digital graphic involving text of, "RUSH FOR LICENSE PLATES, 1975" appear by this point]

Joe Emer: That is really cool, to take a look back in the past, to see what stories were going on at that time, so we're going to keep doing this here on Studio 10. You can also see these FOX 10, vault stories on Mondays, at FOX 10 at four p.m. Of you want to take a look at some of the past ones we've aired, go to FOX 10 News, YouTube page. Time now to check in on some business headlines for the day, with, Chelsey. I don't know if we have, any license plate, stories or, that--

Chelsey Sayasane: Heh heh ha.  

Joe Emer voice: -- in the business headlines. 

Chelsey Sayasane: Ha ha no, we don't. All right, checking out some of your business headlines.

[note #3: certain parts of a certain World Wide Web site related to WALA-TV each appeared to have had a video similar to some of this part on the Thursday of the eleventh day of the month of June for the calendar year 2020]

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