Conversations in Broadcasting #72

A certain TV program dedicated to entertainment and lifestyles that appeared to have had been part of the main broadcast channel for WALA-TV during the hour of 9:00 a.m. on the Wednesday of the third day of the month of April for the calendar year 2019 appeared to have had this conversation involving some of its contributors (Joe Emer (host), Michael White (reporter of weather), and Chelsey Sayasane (host)):

Joe Emer: So we've been talking throughout the day; today that the weather is--

Chelsey Sayasane: Yeah.

Joe Emer: --going to be awesome today--

Chelsey Sayasane: Yeah.

Joe Emer: -- and a little bit of rain is coming perhaps for the next five days and you know what else is coming--

Chelsey Sayasane: He he he he.

Joe Emer: -- meteorologist Michael White.

Michael White: Yes, he's here! I grabbed my clicker--

Chelsey Sayasane: Ha ha.

Michael White: -- and then I realized I grabbed the wrong one--

Chelsey Sayasane: Umm--

Michael White: -- because they looked identical.

Chelsey Sayasane: Oh that was my fault, that was my traffic clicker

Michael White: Yeah, whoever it is

Chelsey Sayasane: Heh heh heh

Joe Emer: Ha ha

Michael White: --does traffic in the morning

Joe Emer: Ha ha.

Michael White: --left it beside mine. I'm not going to name names--

Chelsey Sayasane: I don't know either--

Michael White: -- but I grabbed the wrong [one], so I had to go back and get it. So that's why I was a little late.

Joe Emer: That's all right.


Joe Emer: How about this: an app for your phone--

Michael White: Uh huh.

Joe Emer: -- that allows you to do the clicker, on your phone,

Michael White: Oh, wouldn't that be great. 

Joe Emer: -- instead of like an actual thing.

Michael White: Oh, wouldn't that be great. That would be a wonderful. That would be great.

Chelsey Sayasane: You should -- no, no! Don't

Joe Emer: Another one of those [indistinguishable]

Michael White: Patent it!

Chelsey Sayasane: Do not!

Michael White: Patent it!

Chelsey Sayasane: We need a segment just on Joe's ideas. He has a lot.

Michael White: He's got a lot of them. Yes.

Joe Emer: Well there's -- there's two hundred and twelve television markets across the country and if each of them have three to four...

Chelsey Sayasane: Oh gosh. Teh heh heh heh.

Michael White: --weather systems, yeah.  

Joe Emer: Three to four of that. That's eight hundred and--

Chelsey Sayasane: Heh heh. 

Joe Emer: --forty-eight, so eight hundred and forty-eight times about three meteorologists per stations, so that's sixteen to twenty-four -- so for about twenty-five -- I could sell about twenty-five hundred of these apps.

Michael White: How he does that good at math in that short of time is mind boggling

Chelsey Sayasane: I'm going to--I'm going to say it's probably not all accurate, but--

Michael White: Peh ha ha ha -- ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. 

Chelsey Sayasane: -- I'm just going to say that.

Michael White: -- ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. 

Chelsey Sayasane: Hey, well--

Joe Emer: It's all because of my math skills.

Chelsey Sayasane: -- coming up, do you have what it takes--

Michael White: Heh heh.  

Chelsey Sayasane: -- to be cornhole champions. I know I do.

Michael White. You do?

Chelsey Sayasane: Find out, in a special competition,

Joe Emer: And an easy way to help the Waterfront Rescue Mission. All you have to do is gather up your jeans and jackets. We'll tell you more about that one when Studio 10 continues. Twenty-five hundred--

Chelsey Sayasane: Heh heh heh ha ha ha ha. 

Michael White: Ha ha.

Joe Emer: --times I'll sell 'em for. Twenty-five dollars a piece. We'll see.

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