- Some Facebook pages related to WKRG-TV, WPMI-TV, and WEAR-TV
each appeared to had been used by their respective administrations to post
certain messages involving texts such as "we stand with" and "the Capital
Gazette" on the Thursday of the twenty-eighth day of this June whereas a
certain Facebook page related to WALA-TV appeared to had been used by its own administration to post messages
involving text of "REST IN PEACE" and "the Capital Gazette" this
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast
channel for WKRG-TV during the first half of the hour of 6:00 p.m. this
Friday ("WKRG News 5 at 6") appeared to have ha one of its reporters (a
news reporter named Jason Carter) saying, "Well you just got a few more
hours to be able to walk down the aisles of this Toys 'R' Us store. In
fact they're closing tonight forever at nine o'clock. Reporting live from a place where a kid used to be able a kid, Jason Carter, News 5" for one of its reports.
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel
for WKRG-TV during the last five minutes of the first half of the hour
of 8:00 a.m. this Friday appeared to have had a certain reporter of
theirs (a weather reporter named John Nodar)
saying, "It is a weather aware day -- it simply means that we're going
to see more thunderstorms today" while appearing to have had digital
graphics resembling text of "WEATHER AWARE" behind him (note: a certain Facebook page related to WKRG-TV appeared to had been used by its administration to post an image with graphics similar to the ones mentioned earlier in this paragraph).
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel
for WALA-TV during the hour of 9:00 p.m. on the Monday of the
twenty-fifth day of this June ("FOX 10 News at 9:00 p.m.") appeared to
have had one of its news presenters (Lenise Ligon)
saying, "All right chances are the A-C's working full time, Matt -- at
full blast!" to one of its reporters (a weather reporter named Matt Barrentine); its other news presenter (Bob Grip) saying the name of a certain contributor to some of the news programming it had in recent times (Devan Coffaro)
that used to appear on a certain World Wide Web
site related to such contributors on a regular basis before the Friday of the twenty-second
day of this June for one of its reports (note #1: the name was mentioned this way as part of that report: "Our own Devan Coffaro..."); and an abrupt ending to a report
related to weather by the reporter mentioned near the beginning of this paragraph (note #2: the report related to weather had ended this
way: "So yeah, still hot, but as obviously I'd rather from late June
until July, you can't crank down...").
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel for
WALA-TV during the hour of 5:00 p.m. this Friday ("FOX 10 News at 5:00
p.m.") appeared to have had one of its news presenters (Lenise Ligon) saying, "Well our chief meteorologist Jason Smith has been out for a few weeks, we've been getting questions about
where he is and when he's coming back -- I spoke with him this afternoon
about what's going on", some video involving audio of a certain speaker with digital graphics and texts of "GET WELL SOON!",
afterwards, the news presenter saying, "There you go. So as you
heard, Jason had a minor procedure; he's under doctors orders to rest
and we are wishing him a speedy recovery" immediately afterwards; its other news presenter (Byron Day) saying, "Absolutely. We've all talked with Jason off and on over the last few weeks and he just sounds -- you know -- like he's absolutely chomping [or champing] at the bit to get back here, but take it easy buddy and listen to the doctors" immediately afterwards; the news presenter mentioned first saying, "Yeah, he's told me he's been watching a lot of Netflix. I keep texting him trying to get him to watch my Netflix programs, but he's not doing it" immediately afterwards (note: the local news program that appeared on the channel during the first and second halves of the hour of 10:00 p.m. this Friday ("FOX 10 News at 10:00 p.m.") appeared to have had the news presenter named Byron Day saying, "Many of you have been asking and wondering about where this guy is -- our resident outdoor expert and meteorologist Jason Smith has been out a few weeks dealing with a medical issue. He's getting better; we expect him back real soon and Lenise talked to him earlier today" before appearing to have had a video similar to the one mentioned earlier (with digital graphics and texts of "JASON SMITH UPDATE" and "GET WELL SOON!") and the news presenter saying, "Jason, we miss you, buddy. Make sure you listen to the bodies and we are certainly looking forward to your return" immediately afterwards.
(note from the author: I had decided to delay posting a report named "News for Wednesday, June 27th, 2018" until sometime between the time this one was posted and the Sunday of the first day of the month of July for this calendar year after having decided this one would be more suitable to post at this time due to its timeliness, its variety of subjects, and its length (hence: it has more paragraphs dedicated to different subjects and more letters than the other one))
- The main broadcast channel for WPMI-TV occasionally had audible beeps
before appearing to have had a digital ticker with text related to
weather over some of its video (including network programs from their main provider of such programming (the National Broadcasting Company (NBC)) this Thursday.
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel for
WKRG-TV during the first half of the hour of 12:00 p.m. this Thursday
("WKRG News 5 at Noon") appeared to have had its news presenter (Devon Walsh)
saying, "A inmate who escaped from his work release site in Bay Minette
is back in custody. Twenty-nine-year-old James Hubbard had been on the
run since around eleven o'clock yesterday morning. He was captured about
that time last night -- I'd say around ten o'clock last night" for one
of its reports.
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel for WKRG-TV during the second half of the hour of 6:00 p.m. this Thursday ("WKRG News 5 at 6:30") appeared to have had some digital graphics related to weather (including what appeared to had been a map of counties in their local broadcast area and a ticker with text related to weather) superimposed over certain parts of its programming feed that was not usually part of its programming in recent times (note: the same graphics were also part of its programming during its breaks from having the news program in that period of time this Thursday).
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast
channel for WKRG-TV during the first half of the hour of 5:00 p.m. this
Thursday ("WKRG News 5 at 5") appeared to have had one of its news
presenters (Devon Walsh) saying, "Tonight in the web center: this is a
night we have been dreading for a long time" and its other news
presenter (Rose Ann Haven)
saying, "Yes, we have to say good bye to someone who's been part of
this show and WKRG for nearly the past five years. News 5's J. B. Biunno
is getting married and moving to Tampa" before appearing to have had
them and a certain reporter named "J. B. Biunno" (or Joseph Blake Biunno) interacting with each other immediately awards (note: a certain Facebook page related to WKRG-TV
appeared to had some live video of this part of the program and
some live video of the reporter appearing alone that was not on the program afterwards).
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel for
WKRG-TV during the first half of the hour of 10:00 p.m. this Thursday
("WKRG News 5 at 10") appeared to have had one of its news presenters
(Rose Ann Haven) saying, "The News 5 weather alert day is over...as
strong lines of storms pass through our area, but the worst is behind us
and the skies will be clearing soon. To tell you more about today's
weather, here's Taylor Sarallo filling in for chief meteorologist Alan
Sealls" while appearing to have had some video with texts of "WEATHER
ALERT DAY OVER" and "COVERING THE GULF COAST" and some digital boxes
with live videos of two separate locations with texts of "MOBILE" and
"PENSACOLA" under them, an animated sequence with text of "WEATHER
AWARE" immediately afterwards, and one of its reporters (a weather
reporter named Taylor Sarallo) in front of a digital map saying, "You
are absolutely right: the worst is over" immediately afterwards.
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel for
WALA-TV during the hour of 9:00 p.m. on the Tuesday of the twenty-sixth
day of this June ("FOX 10 News at 9:00 p.m.") appeared to have had one
of its news presenters (Bob Grip) saying, "Meantime I've been reading
through an engineering report commissioned by the city on Ladd-Peebles
Stadium. That report is dated October twenty-sixteen. In it, Barter and
Associates gave Ladd a D plus grade; it said it found problems that
constituted an emergency and threatened the safety of the public. It
also said those deficiencies were corrected. Now the Ladd-Peebles board
didn't learn about the report until last week and, of course that
raises some questions. One: why weren't the results of that study made
public immediately? Was the city afraid the Senior Bowl leaving town? Should you, the people in sit in the stands and allow your children to
play there, have known about it? Investigative reporter Kati Weis will
be asking those questions and more tomorrow. Watch for her report
tomorrow on FOX 10 News".
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel for
WKRG-TV during the first half of the hour of 6:00 p.m. this Thursday
("WKRG News 5 at 6") appeared to have had one of its reporters (a sports reporter named Robby Baker) saying, "Michy Batshuayi tries to punt the ball in celebration except for a ricochets and smacks him right in the face. Now I've watched this multiple times -- I feel bad kind of for laughing at it -- the good news is he's fine and perhaps he learned to try not to punt the ball like that when you're so close to the goal like that. When celebrations go bad", one of its news presenters (Devon Walsh) saying, "At least it didn't knock him out" afterwards, the reporter saying, "Right he was fine; he came back; he hurt a little bit" immediately afterwards, and the news presenter saying, "Thank you, Robby. We'll be right back" immediately afterwards immediately before one of its breaks from appearing in the channel in that period of time (note: he program that appeared on the channel during the first half of the hour of 10:00 p.m. later this Thursday appeared to have had the same reporter saying, "It's Michy Batshuayi in the celebration -- we're going to have it here in slow motion -- he attempts to punt the ball in slow motion here off the rail, -- off the [balance] into his face. I've watched this video a ton of times and I feel bad, it still makes me laugh, Rose Ann, but it's a good reminder that even if you're really good at soccer, sports can still be hard. The good news is...he's ok. Maybe he's just a little shocked to have been there", a different news presenter (Rose Ann Haven) saying, "Yeah, probably just a little scosh embarrassed" immediately afterwards, the reporter saying, "Skoshed, I like that" immediately afterwards, and the news presenter saying, "We got a little more to come. A skosh more. We'll be right back" immediately afterwards.
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel
for WKRG-TV during the first half of the hour of 6:00 p.m. on the Monday
of the twenty-fifth day of this June ("WKRG News 5 at 6") appeared to
have had one of its reporters (a weather reporter named Alan Sealls)
saying, "Earlier today, while I was trying to show you a time lapse -- let's see if it wants to play for me there -- my computer doesn't want to
do this. It's probably too hot for the computer -- it needs a cool down,
it needs a little rain, but here, no rain; the active weather now is
well to our east on the Georgia-state line, so your evening's forecast['s] generally dry, but certainly warm. I'll have more on that, plus a fixed
time-lapse in just a few minutes" while appearing to have had a black
image with digital graphics and texts such as "TIMELAPSE SKY" (the
second part of the program appeared to have had the same reporter saying,
"Well here is the sky I tried to show you a little bit earlier: enjoy
the view, cumulus clouds, puffy, fluffy, and there's the rain" while
appearing to have had some video with a digital graphics and texts such
as "TIMELAPSE SKY"); one of its news presenters (Devon Walsh) saying, "Scary" immediately after appearing to have had its other presenter (Peter Albrecht)
saying, "A mother in northwest Florida wants some answers after a
bullet flies into her home and came within a foot of her" (the one named
Devon Walsh appeared to had said, " News 5's Cody Long spoke to the
woman today about the terrifying moment" immediately after saying,
"Scary"), and one of its other reporters (a sports reporter named Robby Baker) saying, "A little tongue twister there" between parts of a narrative for a report related to a certain sport (soccer).
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel for
WALA-TV during the hour of 7:00 a.m. this Wednesday ("FOX 10 News at 7:00 a.m.") appeared to
have had one of its reporters (a weather reporter named Michael White)
saying, "And, uh, you know this is an interesting scenario for us, guys,
because, you know, we usually go until nine o'clock, but this is -- at
least between now and Friday -- as you guys mentioned, this is the end of
the show for--just for the next three days", one of its news presenters
(Eric Reynolds) saying, "Yeah, a lot of World Cup action happening and
this morning, though, we'll feature a educational program", and its
other news presenter (Sarah Wall) saying, "Yeah, and for the next couple
of days, at eight o'clock, we're going to have some educational
programs that normally air at different times, but because of all the
soccer coverage we want to make sure that you get that and it's summer
time so we know that kids are home from school [Eric Reynolds: Yeah,
that's right, for the kids. Ha, ha, ha.] so they can -- they can take
advantage of all those educational programs, but, we'll be here tomorrow
morning starting at four thirty, which is not going to go until nine
for the next couple of days", immediately afterwards, the reporter
saying, "Exactly. Yep" immediately afterwards, the news presenter
mentioned first saying, "In the meantime, you can enjoy the World Cup
action along with the educational programming. Thanks for joining us on
this Wednesday morning. Don't forget through out the day, FOX 10 TV dot
com" immediately afterwards, and the news presenter mentioned second
saying, "And some big soccer today with Brazil playing -- a lot of
people excited to see that -- and Mexico playing today, too, so have to
see how those go. Have a wonderful day, enjoy your soccer, we'll see you
right back here tomorrow morning. Buh bye" (update for Thursday, June 28th, 2018: the installment of the news program that appeared on the channel in the same period of time this Thursday appeared to have had the news presenter named Sarah Wall saying, "So, here's a look at what you will see: You're going to see some educational programming starting at eight -- we're required to do that -- and then the World Cup at nine o'clock" immediately after appearing to have had the news presenter named Eric Reynolds saying, "And because of all the coverage, there are some programming changes, our eight a.m. newscasts, 'Studio 10', 'The Real', 'Judge Mathis', and 'The Doctors' -- all of them will not air today" immediately after appearing to have had the one named Sarah Wall saying, "The World Cup action continuing today right here on FOX 10" (note: "Studio 10" was the name of a certain program for WALA-TV that was usually part of their programming plans for Monday through Friday in recent times)).
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel for
WKRG-TV during the second half of the hour of 6:00 p.m. this Tuesday ("WKRG News 5 at 6:30") did not
appear to have had a discussion related to sports involving a sports reporter of theirs and a news presenter of theirs in accordance with other installments of
it that were part of its programming in that period of time between Monday
and Friday in recent times.
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel for
WKRG-TV during the first half of the hour of 12:00 p.m. on the Monday of
the twenty-fifth day of this June ("WKRG News 5 at Noon") appeared to
have had its news presenter (Bill Riales) saying, "Well stay with us,
now you've probably heard about best in show, but how about best in toe
-- toe wrestling, it's real, and we are going to show you the winners
coming up in just a moment" immediately before one of its breaks from
appearing on the channel in that period of time that day.
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel for
WKRG-TV during the first half of the hour of 6:00 p.m. this Tuesday ("WKRG News 5 at 6:") appeared to
have had one of its news presenters (Rose Ann Haven) saying, "A second
night of shark fishing is set to begin at Gulf State Park Pier in just a
couple of hours. News 5's Debbie Williams joins us now live from Gulf
Shores -- and Debbie, hopefully those anglers will have better luck this
time" and one of its reporters (Debbie Williams)
saying, "Yeah"
immediately afterwards (note: the reporter appeared to had been speaking
from a location separate from that of the news presenter).
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel for
WKRG-TV during the first half of the hour of 6:00 p.m. this Tuesday ("WKRG News 5 at 6") appeared
to have had one of its news presenters (Rose Ann Haven) saying, "So
cute!" immediately after appearing to have had a certain report with
video involving digital graphics and texts of "71 DOGS HEADED TO OHIO"
and "COVERING MOBILE AREA" and one of its reporters (a weather reporter
named Alan Sealls) saying, "Here's what we have right now on our ALFA [pronounced like AL-FA] sky cam looking toward that, uh, area I showed you on Howell's Ferry --
that thunderstorm fading away. There's the giant wasp. I think it has a
little clock ; it knows exactly what time I'm going to show the picture
and it just wants a selfie"
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel
for WALA-TV during the hour of 5:00 p.m. on the Wednesday of the
eighteenth day of the month of April for this calendar year ("FOX 10 News at 5:00 p.m.") appeared to
have had audio of one of its reporters (a weather reporter named Jason Smith) saying, "I've got a frozen-up weather computer here, so you're
going to have to come back to me in a little bit, but we are looking at
some cooler weather for tomorrow and I'll have a complete update in your
forecast coming up. In the meantime, here's 'FOX 10 Outdoors' " over a
digital map for a part of it related to weather before appearing to have
had a certain video involving an animated sequence with graphics
resembling text of "FOX 10 Outdoors" and audio of the reporter
presenting another report related to weather over some digital graphics immediately afterwards.
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel
for WKRG-TV during the first half of the hour of 9:00 a.m. this Tuesday
("WKRG News 5 at 9 [a.m.]") appeared to have had its news presenter (Devon Walsh)
saying, "I think she needs to adopt that one" immediately after
appearing to have had a certain video involving a certain reporter of
theirs (a news reporter named Katarina Luketich)
saying, "Today was a special day here at the Mobile S-P-C-A where seventy-one
dogs, including this little cutie, had a better chance at finding their
forever homes" and one of its other reporters (a weather reporter named
John Nodar) saying, "Well good morning and you'd be tempted to jump in
there with the sharks -- it's going to be warm enough" after appearing
to have had the news presenter presenting a report involving the word
"shark" with video involving text of "SHARK FISHING AT GULF STATE PARK
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel for
WALA-TV during the hour of 5:00 p.m. this Tuesday ("FOX 10 News at 5:00 p.m.") appeared to have had one of its news presenters (Lenise Ligon) saying, "Tragedy along the
Interstate earlier today" and, "Oh my goodness -- this was the scene as
first responders working that crash around eleven o'clock this morning"
for one of its reports and audio
of a certain disembodied voice being used to say the word "no"
immediately after appearing to have had the news presenter saying, "Well it looks like you won't be able to fly a
drone over some prisons or Coast Guard facilities. The Federal Aviation
Administration deciding today drones are going to be barred from the air
above four hundred feet above those facilities. Prison leaders say the
technology could be used to drop contraband to the inmates" for one of
its other reports (with some video involving digital graphics and texts of "NO
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel for WKRG-TV during first half of the hour of 12:00 p.m. on the Monday of the eleventh day of this June ("WKRG News 5 at Noon") appearing to have had audio of its news presenter (Devon Walsh) saying, "If you love Starbucks and you like getting it for free, this next story is for you: the new bank card coming out there is great news for everyone" while appearing to have had some video involving digital graphics and texts of "COMING UP" and "NEW STARBUCKS CARD".
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel
for WKRG-TV during the second half of the hour of 6:00 p.m. on the
Thursday of the twenty-first day of this June ("WKRG News 5 at 6:30")
appeared to have had some audio of its news presenters (Rose Ann Haven)
saying, "Coming up on News 5 at six thirty: the Internet-famous April
the giraffe -- we have big news to share with the world: the pregnancy
rumors that could break the Internet again" over some video involving digital graphics and texts
of "COMING UP" and "IS APRIL PREGNANT AGAIN?" immediately before one of
its breaks from appearing on the channel in that period of time that
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel for
WKRG-TV during the first half of the hour of 12:00 p.m. on the Monday of
the twenty-fifth day of this June ("WKRG News 5 at Noon") appeared to
have had its news presenter (Bill Riales)
using two different voices to say the following statements (excluding the ones between parentheses and brackets like this one): "[with first voice] Well our pet of
the week this week is the kind of dog that breeders sell for a lot of
money. She's a schnoodle and [with second voice] she's a big sweetie [with first voice] up for the adoption--up for adoption at the Mobile SPCA. Here's
News 5's Devon Walsh" (note: the program appeared to have had a certain video with details similar to this immediately afterwards).
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel for WALA-TV during the hour of 9:00 p.m. on the Sunday of the tenth day of this June ("FOX 10 News at 9:00 p.m.") appeared to have had one of its news presenters (Lee Peck) saying, All right, how cool is this: six two thousand eighteen Vigor graduates are now recording artists", it other news presenter (Shelby Myers) saying, "Wow! This past school year, they were able to write, record, and now release original music. Toi Thornton was able to sit down with the few of the now-local celebs" immediately afterwards, a certain video with a report involving details similar to those statements immediately afterwards, the news presenter mentioned second saying, "Can't say I ever did anything that cool in high school" immediately afterwards, the news presenter mentioned first saying, "Some young talent there" immediately afterwards, and the news presenter mentioned second saying, "Yeah" immediately afterwards.
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel
for WALA-TV during the hour of 8:00 a.m. on the Friday of the fifteenth
day of this June ("FOX 10 News at 8:00 a.m.") appeared to have had audio
of one of its news presenters (Eric Reynolds) saying, "The World Cup
continues today and you can catch the first match at ten a.m. this
morning between Morocco and Iran; and don't forget, now, that you catch
the U-S Open here on FOX 10 as well; our coverage starts at three
thirty this afternoon and should run through six p.m.; so that means
that we do have some programming changes to tell you about this morning.
Here's a look at shows that will not air today: We won't have a 'Studio
10'* program this morning, or our four and five o'clock newscasts again
today; so be sure to tune in, though, for a ten-minute recap on Facebook
Live that starts at five o'clock this evening -- and of course we'll be
back up at nine o'clock tonight for an hour and a half of local news
coverage -- and for all of you 'Jeopardy!' fans, we will now be airing
on both, uh, Thursday and Friday, those episodes, they will be on
tomorrow morning at three and three thirty a.m. (note #1: the program
appeared to have had some digital graphics with texts of "PROGRAMMING
NOTES", "WILL NOT AIR TODAY", "Studio10", "The Real", "The People's
Court", "Judge Mathis", "The Doctors", "Dr. Phil", "FOX10 NEWS AT 4pm",
"FOX10 News at 5pm", and "Jeopardy!" before appearing to have had some similar
graphics with texts of "PROGRAMMING NOTES", "Thursday's and Friday's
Jeopardy! episodes will air", "SATURDAY", 3:00am Jeopardy!", and "3:30am
Jeopardy!" immediately afterwards (*note #2: "Studio 10" was the name of a certain TV program attributed to WALA-TV usually related to entertainment and lifestyles))
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel
for WALA-TV during the hour of 5:00 p.m. on the Thursday of the
twenty-first day of this June ("FOX 10 News at 5:00 p.m.") appeared to
have had its news presenter (Lenise Ligon) saying, "All right, we got a
follow-up now to a story we reported last night: a woman in Mobile --
tires taken right off her car -- well, got a special surprise today.
Asha Staples was there for it all; she joins us now to tell us about
this amazing story", one of its reporters (a news reporter named Asha Staples) saying, "It really
is amazing and truly shows just how caring and empathetic a total
stranger can be to someone in need. So now, thanks to a local car
dealership, CeKita McGinney has a new pair of wheels and even more"
immediately before appearing to have had certain video involving a certain report regarding a certain "CeKita McGinney", and
the reporter saying, "So touching" immediately after appearing to have had this program (the local
news program that appeared on the channel during the hour of
9:00 p.m. later that Thursday ("FOX 10 News at 9:00 p.m.") appeared to have had a different news presenter
(Bob Grip) saying, "Well a heart-warming follow-up to a story about a
woman's tires that were stolen off her car in the middle of the night:
just twenty-four hours later, a good samaritan steps in to help her in a
big way. Asha Staples has that story next" immediately before one of its breaks from appearing on the channel in that period of time that day and the news presenter mentioned earlier
saying, "And now a follow-up to a story we first reported last night: a
Mobile woman who's tires were stolen from her car gets a special
surprise today. Asha Staples was there for it all; she joins us now to
tell us about this amazing story" immediately after that break (the local news program that appeared
on the channel during the first half of the hour of 10:00 p.m. later
that Thursday ("FOX 10 News at 10:00 p.m.") appeared to have had the
news presenter Lenise Ligon saying, "A happy ending to a sad story: less
than twenty-four hours after we
shared [the news that] a woman's tires had been stolen from her car, a
good samaritan stepped in to offer some help" for a report similar to
the one in the video mentioned earlier in this paragraph)).
- A certain Internet audio stream connected to WZEW-FM had a certain discussion involving a certain speaker (a certain host named "Tony") saying, "Get your butt down there as soon as possible" this Sunday (note: the host had sounded as if he referencing the program involving his self and the discussion as "Community Table").
- A certain Internet video stream connected to WKRG-TV appeared to have had a certain member of the news operation for WKRG-TV (a news presenter and news reporter named Chad Petri) moving his mouth without audio and an animated
sequence involving a certain logo for WKRG-TV (resembling text of "News
5") before appearing to have had some video with audio of
the news presenter speaking immediately
afterwards this Sunday.
- The local news programs that appeared on the main broadcast channel for
WKRG-TV during the first halves of the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m.
on the Saturday
of the twenty-third day of this June ("WKRG News 5 at 6" and "WKRG News 5
at 10" respectively) each appeared to have had a report regarding a
certain type of club of radio operators ("ham radio operators" (note: a certain World Wide Web site related to WKRG-TV appeared to have had an article regarding such a club)).
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel for WKRG-TV during the first half of the hour of 10:00 p.m. on the Saturday of the twenty-third day of this June ("WKRG News 5 at 10") appeared to have had one of its reporters (a news reporter named Nicolette Schleisman) wearing spectacles (or eye glasses) whereas previous installments of it that appeared on the channel in the same period of time in recent times usually did not (note: the local news program that appeared on the channel during the first half of the hour of 10:00 p.m. later that Saturday appeared to have had the same reporter not wearing spectacles).
- Some of the local news programming WKRG-TV had on their main broadcast
channel earlier this calendar week often appeared to had a certain
member of their news operation (a weather reporter named Taylor Sarallo)
saying, "A live look from WKRG studios" for certain reports related to
weather, (for example: the program* that appeared on the channel during
the first half of the hour of 6:00 p.m. on the Saturday for this
calendar week (the twenty-third day of this June) appeared to have had
her saying, "Here is a live look from WKRG studios" for its first report
related to weather (*note: the name of the program was "WKRG News 5 at
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel for
WALA-TV during the first half of the hour of 10:00 p.m. on the Monday of
the eighteenth day
of this June ("FOX 10 News at 10:00 p.m.") appeared to have had one of
its news presenters (Lenise Ligon) saying, "Wow, just another
interesting story -- this one from Michigan tonight -- a woman arrested
and facing charges after she was caught on tape acting
erratically -- that's the description. Ok, so here is the video: a fit a
rage inside a planet fitness last week. Police say the woman reportedly
got into a disagreement with an employee and started to throw the
computer monitors -- damaging a phone -- you see her here in the video,
there. She's charged with malicious destruction of property. Police say
the employee was also assaulted in all of this.They chose, however, not
to press charges".
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel for
WKRG-TV during the first half of the hour of 10:00 p.m. on the Saturday
of the twenty-third day of this June ("WKRG News 5 at 10") appeared to have had its news presenter (Jason Carter) saying, "Well Airport Boulevard traffic headaches are going to get worse this week. ALDOT [pronounced like AL-DOT] closed one lane of traffic along Airport Boulevard west, but as Chad Petri reports, a construction project which started today, will ease congestion soon" before appearing to have had a certain video involving a certain report and some digital graphics and texts of "1-65 SOUTHBOUND RAMP ON AIRPORT BLVD SHUTDOWN UNTIL JULY 10TH" and one of its reporters (a weather reporter named Taylor Sarallo) saying, "Slight rain chance in the morning sticking with us through the afternoon, but really the rain is not going to be the story tomorrow. The story is going to be those very warm temperatures -- this is what the thermometers are going to show" for a report related to weather (note: the news presenter did not mention whether the aforementioned
"Chad Petri" was a member of the news operation for WKRG-TV (note: the
report in the video ended this way: "Chad Petri, WKRG News 5")).
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel
for WKRG-TV during the first half of the hour of 6:00 p.m. on the
Wednesday of the thirteenth day of this June ("WKRG News 5 at 6")
appeared to have had a report begin with the words, "It's the worst
case of deja vous" as part of its narrative and audio of one of its news presenters (Mel Showers)
saying, "Mm-hm, be careful out there" immediately after appearing to have had audio of a separate report.
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel
WALA-TV during the hour of 5:00 p.m. on the Thursday of the twenty-first
day of this June ("FOX 10 News at 5:00 p.m.") appeared to have had a
certain report being presented with certain recordings of sound such as music (note: the report had involved phrases such as, "Now the countdown is on until the New Venture starts its
new venture on the ocean floor; helping restore our gulf for generations
to come").
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel
for WKRG-TV during the first half of the hour of 10:00 p.m. on the
Wednesday of the thirteenth day of this June ("WKRG News 5 at 10")
appeared to have had one of its reporters (a news reporter named Joseph Blake (J. B.) Biunno) saying, "You might remember that it was just a
couple of days ago this crazy video of out suburban Chicago -- a
sergeant rescuing a toddler that was running down the roadway -- a wild
story that went viral on the Internet" for one of its reports.
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel
WALA-TV during the hour of 9:00 p.m. on the Wednesday of the thirteenth
day of this June ("FOX 10 News at 9:00 p.m.") appeared to have had one
of its news presenters (Bob Grip) saying, "I wish we could go to a Web
site and stop raining dot com -- we need that one" to one of its
reporters (a weather reporter named Matt Barrentine) and the reporter
saying, "Well, yeah, well that would mean like, eh, going somewhere else
like California or something" immediately afterwards; the news presenter saying,
"We're going to need it" immediately afterwards, and the reporter
saying, "Yeah, I know, exactly -- you know we're going to keep getting
these showers and storms. It's just going to keep happening, folks"
immediately afterwards.
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel
for WALA-TV during the first half of the hour of 10:00 p.m. on the
Tuesday of the nineteenth day of this June ("FOX 10 News at 10:00 p.m.")
appeared to have had one of its news presenters (Lenise Ligon) saying,
"Prichard City Council holding an emergency meeting today over an
on-going water dispute" and its other news presenter (Byron Day) saying,
"Ironically city leaders are going into the city's rainy day money fund
to help pay for those repairs. Hi everybody, I'm Byron Day" immediately
afterwards, the news presenter mentioned first saying, "And I'm Lenise Ligon. Thank you for looking in tonight.
Prichard Water Works cutting off the water to city hall claiming the
city owes almost a quarter of a million dollars" immediately afterwards, and the news presenter mentioned
second saying, "Yeah, now a judge later ordered that the water be turned
back on, but -- it gets worse -- raw sewage then began leaking inside
city hall" immediately afterwards.
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel for
WKRG-TV during the first half of the hour of 10:00 p.m. on the Sunday of
the seventeenth day of this June appeared to have its news presenter
(Jason Carter) saying phrases such as, "Well it may be the most bizarre
AMBER alert in Mobile history", "We're still waiting on the
investigation to shed more light on this very strange situation", "A new
mural featuring suicide's most recent victim is part of Pensacola's
downtown scape", "Well Father's Day is all about cards, socks, and ugly
ties, but it's
about special moments with dad -- News 5's photojournalist Ryan Lothspeich shows us a time-honored tradition featuring Pearson and Aubrey
Hooper", and, "Well it was an absolute beautiful day to be out golfing
with your father and what's meteorologist Thomas Geboy did earlier this
morning and he has a look at your workweek. Hey Thomas", and one of its
reporters (a weather reporter named Thomas Geboy) saying, "Hey Jason.
Yeah, it really wasn't too bad of a day to go golfing, but first and
foremost before getting to your forecast, happy Father's Day to yourself
sitting all--all the way over there so -- as always any-- there you
go, but today, nice day for sure" immediately after having the previous
phrase mentioned (note: the program appeared to have had the phrase
phrase involving the words "cards", socks", and "ugly ties" after all of
the others mentioned).
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel
for WALA-TV during the hour of 9:00 p.m. on the Thursday of the
fourteenth day of this June ("FOX 10 News at 9:00 p.m.") appeared to
have had its news presenters (Bob Grip) saying, "Vibro vulnificus is an especially vicious painful flesh-eating bacteria"; one of its (news) reporters (Byron Day) saying, "She was in real pain, but thought she could treat it on her own"
for the narrative of one of its reports; audio of the news presenter
mentioned earlier saying, "Right on cue this afternoon: more storms
rolled through the port city -- perfect storm for all those pesky
mosquitoes", audio of its other news presenter (Lenise Ligon) saying,
"Yeah and you know [what] that means: more rain, more breeding ground, and less
mosquito spraying...yuck!" immediately afterwards along with some audio of her
saying, "Mosquito bites are the worst, so do your part to help control
the mosquito population; get rid of any standing water from around your
home -- that includes standing bottles, cups, or bird bath; it'll
prevent future mosquito breeding. and something you can do to keep
mosquitoes away from you and your family is to wear bug repellent when
you're outside and make sure it contains DEET, or you can use repellent
candles"; video of a report involving phrases such as, "Like
clockwork, downpours right on schedule every afternoon this week makes
it hard for Danny Rackard to pick the veggies in his garden--", "--and
enjoy a view like this on a summer night along Dog River", and "And the
rain even stopped us from doing our interview with area director Jerry
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel for WKRG-TV during the last five minutes of the first half of the hour of 8:00 a.m. this Friday appeared to have had certain member of their news operation (the John Nodar mentioned in the first paragraph from the top of this report) saying, "I have told the story before, but my very first assignment at WKRG thirty-four years ago was to interview all of the -- at that time, Junior Misses -- now Distinguished Young Women -- I was blown away; they are--they are so smart, so community oriented; they--they just do so much" while appearing to conduct an interview.
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel for
WALA-TV during the hour of 8:00 a.m. this Friday ("FOX 10 News at 8:00 a.m.") appeared to have had its
news presenter (Eric Reynolds) saying, "We'll also -- um, this morning,
'Studio 10' will not be airing --", its other reporter (Chasity Byrd)
saying, "That's right. We won't be back until next week" immediately afterwards, the news
presenter saying, "--we got a special program" immediately afterwards,
the reporter saying, "Yep, special programs so we'll see you with
'Studio 10' next week. We also hope to see you here next week for the
news" immediately afterwards, and the news presenter saying, "All right,
so we got 'Studio 10' coming on next week -- this morning we got an
educational program for you from, um nine to ten, and then of course
World Cup starting at ten again this morning" immediately afterwards (note: "Studio 10" was the name of a certain TV program for WALA-TV usually dedicated to entertainment and lifestyles (note #2: the main broadcast channel appeared to have two "educational" programs during the hour of 9:00 a.m. this Friday ("Zoo Clues" during its first thirty minutes; "Missing" during its last thirty minutes))).
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel for WKRG-TV during the first half of the hour of 10:00 p.m. on the Thursday of the twenty-first day of this June ("WKRG News 5 at 10") appeared to have had one of its news presenters (Rose Ann Haven) saying, "Wow" immediately after appearing to have had a certain video and its other news presenter (Peter Albrecht) presenting this report: "Caught on camera, a crazy scene at a casino in Bossier City, Louisiana: a naked man was playing slots at the DiamondJack's Casino and Resort. The person who recorded the video says the man was fully clothed and calm, then everything took a weird turn. This happened about eleven forty Tuesday night. Chris Rogers, who caught the scene on his cell phone says the man was playing the slot machine near him and then all of a just started barking like a dog. Casino police approached with caution -- at first leaving the man alone, hoping he would calm down, but then he began taking off all of his clothes right in the middle of the gaming floor, so at that point the casino security hit him with beanbags four times. Rogers' video on Facebook has been viewed more than one hundred thousand times".
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel for
WALA-TV during the hour of 5:00 p.m. this Friday("FOX 10 News at 5:00 p.m.") appeared to have had its news presenter (Lenise Ligon) saying, "A bittersweet day at FOX 10: after three years with the station,
Devan Coffaro is saying good bye. She joined the FOX 10 family right out
of college -- the University of Central Florida. We have watched her
grow into an award-winning journalist. She has quite a few Alabama
Broadcaster awards, A-P awards -- even nominated for an Emmy. We are so
proud of her and we wish her the best. She's going to do well in Tampa,
which is where's heading. Today is her last day" (along with some static images and digital graphics and text of "GOODBYE DEVAN"), one of its reporters (a weather reporter named Michael White) saying, "Yeah we'll miss her for sure" immediately afterwards, the news presenter saying,
"Yeah" immediately afterwards, the reporter saying, "We really will. She was such an asset to
this place. It's not going to be the same without her" immediately afterwards, the news
presenter saying, "Ah huh, no -- but, um, you know, we certainly know
that she is going to do well in her next step" immediately afterwards, the reporter saying,
"Absolutely" immediately afterwards, the news presenter saying, "We want you to join us for the nine
and ten o'clock newscasts." immediately afterwards, the reporter saying, "We will" immediately afterwards, the news presenter saying, "We'll be
back, we'll be here", and the reporter saying, "You're darn right we will. I
can't wait. I hope to see you there" immediately afterwards (the local news program that appeared on the channel afterwards during the first half of the hour of 10:00 p.m. this Friday ("FOX 10 News at 9:00 p.m.") appeared to have had audio of the same news presenter saying, ""All right, a picture from a goodbye we had earlier at the station:
Devan Coffaro's last day today. We have certainly enjoyed watching her
grow into an awesome reporter and we wish her well in her future. She's
going back home to Tampa, but not before she did the Friday dance...with
me on Facebook, the same reporter saying, "She did. You need to go to
Facebook and watch that. She did a good job" immediately afterwards, the news presenter saying, "Yes" immediately afterwards, and the reporter saying, "And we'll miss Devan for sure" immediately
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel for
WALA-TV during the hour of 9:00 p.m. on the Monday of the eighteenth day
of this June ("FOX 10 News at 9:00 p.m.") appeared to have had one of
its news presenters (Lenise Ligon) saying, "Coming up on FOX 10 News at
ten o'clock, an interesting story out of Prichard".
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel for
WALA-TV during the first half of the hour of 10:00 p.m. on the Monday of
the eighteenth day
of this June ("FOX 10 News at 10:00 p.m.") appeared to have had a
certain reporter for their news operation (a news reporter named Devan Coffaro) speaking with her eyes
not appearing to focus on the camera used to show her doing so.
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel for WKRG-TV during the first half of the hour of 10:00 p.m. on the Wednesday of the twentieth day of this June ("WKRG News 5 at 10") appeared to have had one of its news presenters (Rose Ann Haven) saying, "A loud and obscene protest over immigration in downtown Pensacola tonight led to one man being hauled to jail for battery" for one of its reports while appearing to have had some video and digital graphics involving texts of "IMMIGRATION PROTEST TURNS VIOLENT" and "BREAKING NEWS".
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel for
WALA-TV during the hour of 9:00 p.m. on the Sunday of the tenth day of
this June ("FOX 10 News at 9:00 p.m.") appeared to have had one of its
news presenters (Shelby Myers) saying, "What's that you said earlier,
Matt? M-O-T-S", a (weather) reporter named "Matt" (Matt Barrentine to be precise)
saying, "More of the same" immediately afterwards, and the news
presenter also saying, "More of the same" immediately afterwards after
appearing to have had the reporter doing a report related to weather
(note: an earlier part of the program appeared to have had the reporter
saying, "Here's your next several days, as we take you through the
upcoming workweek -- M-O-T-S, right? More of the same" for a report related
to weather")
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel for
WKRG-TV during the first half of the hour of 10:00 p.m. on the Sunday of
the seventeenth day of this June ("WKRG News 5 at 10") appeared to have its news presenter
(Jason Carter) saying certain parts of certain phrases with emphasis (such as, "The zoo said the incident was a result of human error when the elephant keepers realized Ali wasn't there; they actually called a code red, and, "Coming up, the time is fast approaching on this Father's Day for a blast of Robby Baker. It's almost time for Sports Overtime. Robby is going to tease us about what he has in store after the break" (note: the words "Robby" and "Baker" were the forename and surname of a sports reporter for the news operation at WKRG-TV (note #2: the
words "Sports Overtime" were part of the name of a certain TV program
for WKRG-TV ("WKRG Sports Overtime"))).
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel for
WALA-TV during the hour of 9:00 p.m. on the Wednesday of the twentieth
day of this June ("FOX 10 News at 9:00 p.m.") appeared to have had one
of its news presenters (Lenise Ligon) saying, "Well the last few days of
sunshine -- much needed by Baldwin County farmers -- for more than two
weeks the rain-filled days have really presented some major problems"
for one of its reports; its other news presenter (Bob Grip)
saying, "We are just hours away from the New Venture starting its new
venture in the Gulf of Mexico" for one of its other reports; one of
its reporters (a sports reporter named Bri MacNaught)
saying, "No matter where life takes him, he will forever be grateful
for his school and his community" and, "Always good to see our student
athletes giving back" for another one of its reports, and the news
presenter mentioned first saying, "Wow!" between appearing to have had her present another one of its reports and appearing to to have had her saying, "Mmm, mmm, mmm" sometime between one and ten seconds afterwards. .
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel for
WKRG-TV during the first half of the hour of 12:00 p.m. on the Thursday of the seventh day of this June
("WKRG News 5 at Noon") appeared to have had one of its reporters (a
news reporter named Cody Long)
saying, "So that's a little bit of good
news" for a report in a location separate from that of its news presenter whereas
the local news program that appeared on the channel during the first
half of the hour of 10:00 p.m. later that Thursday ("WKRG News 5 at 10") appeared to have had
one of its owns news presenters (Rose Ann Haven) saying, "Now residents are speaking about the dangerous street" for one of its reports and its other news presenter (Mel Showers) saying, "News 5's Dana Winter tells you about the scary and unusual encounter on the beach", "Now the latest on the attack and attempted rape earlier this week in
the R-S-A parking garage in downtown Mobile: the suspect made his first
court appearance on those charges today, but his appearance was brief:
News 5's Peter Albrecht joins us here in our alert center with more",
and, "As you can see, the house was badly damaged" for some reports of
(update for Thursday, June 21st, 2018: a new section was added to
this weblog this Thursday (note #1: the new section was named
"Conversations in Broadcasting" (note #2: a hyperlink for accessing
this new section was added to this page under the words "Historical
- A certain Facebook page
related to a certain member of the news operation for WKRG-TV named
Robby Baker appeared to had been used by its administration to upload a certain
video related to a certain TV program of theirs named "WKRG Sports Overtime" involving mentions of the words "Father's Day" on the Sunday of the seventeenth day of this June.
- The local news programs that appeared on the main broadcast channel for
WALA-TV during the hour of 9:00 p.m. and the first half of the hour of
10:00 p.m. on the Tuesday of the nineteenth day of this June ("FOX 10
News at 9:00 p.m." and "FOX 10 News at 10:00 p.m.")
each appeared to have had video of a certain reporter of theirs (a news
reporter named Lee Peck) doing at least one report involving the words "shark
fishing" from a remote location.
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel for
WALA-TV during the first half of the hour of 10:00 p.m. on the Tuesday
of the nineteenth day of this June ("FOX 10 News at 10:00 p.m.")
appeared to have had one of its news presenters (Byron Day) saying,
"Lenise, another follow up to share with you" immediately after
appearing to have had a report being presented by a news presenter named
"Lenise" ("Lenise Ligon" to be precise), and, "This bad boy is going down
literally; the two hundred fifty foot surveillance vessel New Venture
is going to be Alabama's newest man-made reef" for a separate report.
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel for
WKRG-TV during the first half of the hour of 10:00 p.m. on the Tuesday
of the nineteenth day of this June ("WKRG News 5 at 10") appeared to
have had one of its news presenters (Mel Showers) saying, "Now
back to shark fishing at Gulf State Park Pier in Gulf Shores: the first
day was a bust -- a couple of close calls, but no luck yet. We thought
for sure someone would have landed a shark by now. One guy has hooked up
twice and we had a false alarm just a few minutes ago when someone
caught a sting ray. So far no one has landed a shark (the opening for
the program appeared to have had audio of the news presenter saying, "A
live report from the first night of shark fishing on the Gulf State Park pier").
- One of the digital sub-channels for WALA-TV appeared to have a series of at least four advertisements related to their news operation before appearing to have had a program from their main provider of network programming (the FOX Broadcasting Company) during the hour of 9:00 a.m. this Wednesday (note #1: the channel usually appeared to have had programming for a national TV programming service named COZI TV by then in recent times (note #2: the channel usually appeared to have had such programming while only their main channel appeared to have had programming from their main provider of network programming during those times (note #3: the main channel did not have the same programming or any other programming for the provider by the time the channel had such programming during the hour of 9:00 a.m. this Wednesday)).
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel for
WALA-TV during the hour of 5:00 p.m. this Wednesday ("FOX 10 News at 5:00 p.m.") appeared to have had one
of its news presenters (Lenise Ligon) saying, "Why do you have an
umbrella? It's not raining", its other news presenter (Byron Day) saying, "Not here. Not inside" immediately afterwards, one of its reporters (a weather reporter
named Adam Olivier) saying, "Not inside, but outside you may need an
umbrella. We have a new contest going on: it's our umbrella giveaway and
so everyday -- well, not everyday; every Wednesday we will pick two
winners. This is the umbrella; it's got FOX 10 Stormtracker on it --
I'm not going to open it because it's a big umbrella and it's sponsored
by Estates Heating, which is on the other side in the blue. So we're
giving away two of them, once at five, once at nine, and today's winner
is Ed Hannon of Mobile. So if you are Ed Hannon, please reach out to us; we've got an umbrella waiting for you out there today; certainly a much
needed thing around here this summertime" immediately afterwards, the news presenter mentioned second saying, "[indistinguishable] or this is going to go in my golf
bag" immediately afterwards, the reporter saying, "Well, ok. Well
Byron's got that one, so we have two winners today, right -- though
three, actually. Well then, once again, Ed Hannon you are our lucky
winner today with our umbrella challenge, and you can go on, contact us and get in trying to win an umbrella too, and we'll have another winner tonight at nine o'clock, so you'll want to tune in for that as well. Outside we're not talking about a lot of rain out there, so you may not need an umbrella right now except for a few locations, mainly in our inland areas in Washington and Clarke County".
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel for
WKRG-TV during the first half of the hour of 5:00 p.m. on the Sunday of
the seventeenth day of this June ("WKRG News 5 at 5") appeared to have
had audio of its news presenter (Jason Carter) saying, "Coming up, goal!
Sorry Robby, I've--I've failed you. The World Cup has the underdogs
bringing it -- we'll give you your soccer recap next" over some video
involving graphics with texts of "COMING UP" and "GREAT DAY OF WORLD CUP
ACTION" immediately before one of its breaks from appearing on the
channel in that period of time that day.
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel for
WKRG-TV during the first half of the hour of 10:00 p.m. on the Sunday of
the seventeenth day of this June ("WKRG News 5 at 10") appeared to have had this discussion involving some of its contributors: Jason Carter (its news presenter): You know I think we are little nuttier than usual -- we got--we got family in the studio. Robby Baker (a (sports) reporter): We got a studio audience. Jason Carter: Yeah, you know we only usually have like, you know robots -- these robot cameras and then y'all at home, which we appreciate. Thomas Geboy (a (weather reporter)): Happy Father's Day. Jason Carter: "Absolutely (note #1: the news presenter appeared to had pointed toward sports reporter immediately afterwards). Jason Carter. "He's about to take over" (note #2: the weather reporter appeared to had said, "Take over" at the same time as the news presenter; the sports reporter appeared to had laughed immediately afterwards).
- A certain TV program for WKRG-TV named "WKRG Sports Overtime" appeared to have had its host (Robby Baker)
saying, "Welcome back everyone to WKRG Sports Overtime. I hate to be a
tease, but that's exactly what I'm going to be this segment: earlier
this week Jason and myself loaded up on Dramamine and we hit the high
seas, but deep sea fishing -- why are you laughing? We actually did it,
all right -- it was actually the first ever fish-out-of-water Sports
Overtime fishing special. I'm still working on how I can make that title
even longer. The show won't air for a few weeks, but I wanted to give
you all a little taste of what you can expect tonight" before appearing
to have had a certain video
involving digital graphics and texts of "SPORTS OVERTIME FISHING
SPECIAL" and "FULL SHOW AIRS JULY 8TH" (note: certain guides to the main
broadcast channel for WKRG-TV (such as those for World Wide Web sites
named Zap2it and TitanTV) usually appeared to have had the program listed for the second half of the hour of 10:00 p.m. for Sunday in recent times).
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel
WALA-TV during the first half of the hour of 10:00 p.m. on the Thursday
of the seventh day of this June ("FOX 10 News at 10:00 p.m.") appeared
to have had one of its reporters (a weather reporter named Michael White)
saying this for a report related to weather: "Now let's talk tropical
weather, which thankfully right now, the tropics, are quiet, but could
we see any trouble out there next week? Well we had some disagreement
in the computer models on whether we will see something form between
Cuba and Cozumel during the middle portion of next week. We'll start
with the American model, the G-F-S, and it has been board with the idea
consistently for about a week now that we will see something out there
form, but the G-F-S is a biased on overstrengthening these tropical lows
The Euro typically handles tropical weather better and it does not have
a system out there by next Wednesday, so at this point, we're just
going to keep an eye on it; if you do have any plans next week heading
to the beach or heading to parts of central Florida or Louisiana, do
them at this point. There's too much inconsistently in the models to
know what exactly is going to be out here.
- A certain TV program dedicated to entertainment and lifestyles that
appeared on the main broadcast channel for WALA-TV during the hour of
9:00 a.m. on the Monday of the eighteenth day of this June ("Studio 10") appeared to have had one of its
hosts (Chasity Byrd) saying, "So last week, I was supposed to do this,
so I'm very sorry [note #1: its other host (Joe Emer) appeared to had
laughed by this point] -- we would like to say [Joe Emer: So you wrote the note]--
yeah, I wrote a huge note to myself. Rosie Brewer, we'd like to tell you
good morning. She is a huge FOX 10 fan. She not only watches Studio 10,
uh, but she watches everything on FOX 10 [Joe Emer: Nice]; I met her
grand daughter at Mobile Infirmary last week and she was telling me how
big of a fan she is [Joe Emer: Awesome] and that she often times -- when we come on,
Joe -- she--she points to the TV and I told her grand daughter it's
because I'm so loud -- [Joe Emer: Ha, ha, That's right] -- she's probably
like wow [Joe Emer: She was probably going like ow, volume]. She just
celebrated a birthday, June third. She lives in the Trinity Gardens
community. So Rosie thank you so much for joining us. I'm sorry, I was
suppose to say hello last week and I didn't, so good morning and thank
you (note #2: the host named Joe Emer appeared to had said this immediately afterwards: "Rosie, good morning to you. Thank you so much for watching Studio
10. Thanks for everyone out there who is watching").
- A recent installment of a certain TV program named "United Shades of America" for a certain national TV programming service named the Cable News Network (CNN) appeared to had involved various parts of southwest Alabama (note: the name of the installment was "Sweet
Home (Mobile) Alabama").
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel
WALA-TV during the hour of 9:00 p.m. on the Wednesday of the thirteenth
day of this June ("FOX 10 News at 9:00 p.m.") appeared to have had a
certain video of a certain report without any mention of its narrator or
whether they were originally produced for WALA-TV or not.
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel for
WKRG-TV during the first half of the hour of 12:00 p.m. on the Monday of
the eighteenth day of this June ("WKRG News 5 at Noon") appeared
have had a certain member of the news operation for WKRG-TV who was
usually its news presenter for installments of it that were of its programming in that period of time from Monday through Friday in recent
times (Devon Walsh) introducing a certain person beside her self as her "son".
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel for
WKRG-TV during the second half of the hour of 6:00 p.m. this Monday
("WKRG News 5 at 6:30") appeared to
have had one of its news presenters (Devon Walsh) saying, "Welcome back.
The World Health Organization announcing it is classifying excessive
gaming as an addiction. As News 5's Meg Oliver reports, the move could
lead to more help for people that suffer from this problem" before
appearing to have had a certain video of a certain report in which the
words, "Meg
Oliver, CBS News, New York" were part of its narrative immediately
afterwards (note: the name "CBS News" was often used for referencing the
news division of the main provider of network programming for
WKRG-TV in recent times whereas the name "News 5" was often used for
referencing both the news division
of WKRG-TV and WKRG-TV itself during those times).
- A certain TV program dedicated to entertainment and lifestyles that
appeared on the main broadcast channel for WALA-TV during the hour of
9:00 a.m. this Monday ("Studio 10") appeared to have had a certain guest
of theirs who was usually part of its broadcasts for the same period of
time on Wednesday in recent times (note #1: the program appeared to
have had a certain discussion to related to the guest between its hosts (Joe Emer and Chasity Byrd)
immediately before having the first part of it to have had her: Chasity
Byrd: We have to mention, um, I got a lot of text messages last week
because, uh, the World Cup [Joe Emer: Yes!] was on FOX 10, so we didn't
have 'Studio 10' a couple of days -- we're going to be that way this
week too. Joe Emer: Yeah, so we're going to be off Wednesday, Thursday,
and Friday because we're going to have World Cup coverage. My team
Germany lost their first match. It's ok. We're going to make a comeback,
but because we're not on Wednesday -- that's when Lucy Greer usually
comes in. Chasity Byrd: Right, so we went ahead and taped her segment
and we're going to air it today and it's a good one: dream cookies (note
#2: the last part of the program appeared to have the host named
Chasity Byrd saying, "Real quick we want to mention, uh, the second
cooking segment accidentally aired in the third place that it was
suppose to air, so you can find that third and final cooking segment online -- we'll put it up after the show)).
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel
for WKRG-TV during the first half of the hour of 12:00 p.m. on the
Monday of the eighteenth day of this June ("WKRG News 5 at Noon")
appeared to have had its news presenter (Bill Riales) saying, "We here
at News 5 are sadden by the passing of former morning news anchor Ray
White. Ray was part of the WKRG family for thirteen years before
retiring and moving with his wife to Arizona and then to Tennessee. Before becoming a TV journalist, Ray served in the U. S. Army as a radio
broadcaster -- caster. He also authored a textbook on TV journalism
that was used by various colleges. He is survived by his wife Bonnie,
daughter Laurie, and son David. Ray White was eighty years old. Want to
get a look at your Monday forecast -- here's meteorologist John Nodar" and a (weather) reporter named "John Nodar" saying, "And Ray will be greatly
missed. He was a great part of our lives here at News 5 for many years"
immediately afterwards (note: the local news program that appeared on
the main broadcast channel for
WKRG-TV during the first half of the hour of 6:00 p.m. this Monday ("WKRG News 5 at 6")
appeared to have had certain videos
related to the "Ray White" mentioned earlier (including one with
digital graphics and texts of "COMING UP" and "FAREWELL RAY WHITE" and
audio of a news presenter for the program (Mel Showers) saying, "Coming up on
News 5 -- News 5 says good bye to a colleague -- Ray White, he passed
away over the weekend -- a touching tribute straight ahead" that appeared on the channel immediately before one
of its breaks from appearing on the channel in the aforementioned period of time (note: the part of the program that appeared on the channel immediately after that break appeared to have had the other video related to the aforementioned "Ray White")).
- A certain Facebook page related to WALA-TV appeared to had been used by a certain user outside of its administration to upload a certain
image involving of logo for WALA-TV along with text of "Fox 10 added to
PlayStation vue Mobile and Florida panhandle area" this Sunday.
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel for
WKRG-TV during the first half of the hour of 6:00 p.m. on the Saturday of
the sixteenth day of this June ("WKRG News 5 at 6") appeared to have
had one of its reporters (a weather reporter named Thomas Geboy)
saying, "So now it's time for your golf forecast -- get it, a little
play on words. Not to bad" while appearing to had some graphics
involving text of of "GOLF-FORECAST" for a part of it related to
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel
WALA-TV during the hour of 9:00 p.m. on the Wednesday of the thirteenth
day of this June ("FOX 10 News at 9:00 p.m.") appeared to have one of
its reporters (a weather reporter named Matt Barrentine) saying this for
a part of it related to weather: "Like I said, it's the same thing that
we just keep going through over and over again -- it's Groundhog Day,
and, uh, we're going to continue to see the same pattern through the end
of the week and even on into this Father's Day weekend"
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel
WKRG-TV during the first half of the hour of 10:00 p.m. on the Saturday
the sixteenth day of this June ("WKRG News 5 at 10") appeared to have
had one of its reporters (a news reporter named Nicolette Schleisman) saying,
"Our CBS affiliate in Biloxi" and "our CBS in Biloxi" and its news
presenter (Mary Smith) saying, "Our CBS affiliate" and, "CBS 42 in
Birmingham" for some news reports of theirs without explaining them whereas the news presenter appeared to had said, "Sons and daughters out
there all might be hard to top this: a Florida father got the
ultimate father's day gift: a kidney -- I can't say that I can do that
for you, dad -- he badly needed a second kidney transplant and his
daughter just happened to be a perfect match. Now he's home this holiday
recovering from the very risky surgery. Omar Lewis has this very
touching story" in reference to a certain video involving a separate report.
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel
WALA-TV during the first half of the hour of 10:00 p.m. on the Wednesday
of the thirteenth day of this June ("FOX 10 News at 10:00 p.m.")
appeared to have had audio of one of its reporters (a weather reporter
named Matt Barrentine) saying, "All right, checking out your day planner
for your Thursday -- it's going to be like your Tuesday and your
Wednesday and your Monday -- it's the, uh, same thing over and over
again -- Groundhog Day -- we're getting those showers and storms in the
afternoon -- highs right around ninety at lunch time and then cooling
off with a rain as we go through the afternoon.You know that's not going
to change through the end of the week and into dad's week", one of its
news presenters (Byron Day) saying, "Groundhog Day on June thirteenth --
I love it" immediately afterwards, the reporter saying "That's our
pattern" immediately afterwards, and its other news presenter (Lenise Ligon) saying, "Oh well" immediately afterwards.
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel for
WALA-TV during the hour of 9:00 p.m. on the Friday of the fifteenth day
of this June ("FOX 10 News at 9:00 p.m.") appeared to have had one of
its reporters (a sports reporter named Bri MacNaught)
saying, "You basically don't have to leave the couch tomorrow, or
change the channel for that matter; FOX 10 has you covered with all
the biggest sporting events of the week end; for all the dads out there,
I give you permission to do just that; Happy early Father's Day. For
FOX 10 Sports, I'm Bri MacNaught", one of its other reporters (a weather reporter named Adam Olivier) saying, "And Bri can give you permission to go sit on the couch
all day watching sports, I can give you permission to go outside and
barbecue because we're going to be seeing much better on your Father's
Day" immediately afterwards; the reporter mentioned second saying, "And I
think I got my new favorite catch phrase by Jason: 'Scoop that puppy' --
we will be doing a lot of that off shore if you're headed out to fish" immediately after appearing to have had a certain video involving a certain person saying, "Scoop that puppy" (note: the video appeared to have had graphics resembling text of "FOX 10 Outdoors with Jason Smith");
one of its news presenters (Byron Day) saying, "Ok, say that one more
time?" immediately afterwards, the other news presenter (Lenise Ligon)
saying,"What again? What was that?" immediately afterwards, audio of a certain disembodied voice being used to say, "Scoop that puppy" immediately afterwards; and the
news presenter mentioned first
repeating those words before both he and the other news presenter appeared to laugh immediately afterwards (note: the installment of the program that appeared on the channel during the same hour this Sunday appeared to have had a
different news presenter (Shelby Myers) saying, "Lee, scoop that puppy;
have you ever heard that one?", another news presenter (Lee Peck)
saying, "No, but scoop it up and get a picture" immediately afterwards, and the one mentioned
first saying, "Yeah, please do" immediately afterwards immediately after appearing to have had the video mentioned earlier in this paragraph).
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel for
WKRG-TV during the first half of the hour of 10:00 p.m. on the Friday of
the fifteenth day of this June ("WKRG News 5 at 10") appeared to have
had a certain report in which the words, "Anyone could had been hit with stray
bullets" were part of its narrative.
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel for
WKRG-TV during the last five minutes of the first half of the hour of
8:00 a.m. on the Friday of the fifteenth day of this June appeared to
have had its news presenter (Bill Riales) saying, "While you were
sleeping, pastors on an American Airlines flight were calling our
newsroom after sitting on the tarmac at Mobile Regional Airport for
about an hour and a half last night" for a certain report.
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel for
WALA-TV during the first half of the hour of 10:00 p.m. on the Friday of
the fifteenth day of this June ("FOX 10 News at 10:00 p.m.") appeared
to have had one of its reporters (a weather reporter named Adam Olivier) saying, "And we are taking a look
here from our Battle cam at downtown Mobile, which was bathed in blue
and blue is the operative color since we see a lot of rain the
summertime; so certainly we are still tracking some rain on our radar -- my tie matches that, cool".
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel for
WALA-TV during the first half of the hour of 10:00 p.m. on the Thursday
of the fourteenth day of this June ("FOX 10 News at 10:00 p.m.")
appeared to have had one of its news presenters (Byron Day) saying,
"Decreasing rain over the weekend -- I like it because we're getting a
little moldy around here -- you know", one of its reporters (a weather
reporter named Adam Olivier) saying, "A little pruney, too" immediately
afterwards, and its other news presenter (Lenise Ligon) saying, "We'll
be right back. Oh gosh".
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel for
WALA-TV during the hour of 9:00 p.m. on the Friday of the fifteenth day
of this June ("FOX 10 News at 9:00 p.m.") appeared to have had one of
its news presenters (Byron Day) saying, "Well Lenise, one driver tried to create his own drive-through lane at a bank on Moffett Road this afternoon -- take a look: the car comes crashing through the front door. You can shattered glass all over the sidewalk and inside that bank. Ono word yet on the reason the driver smashed into that bank or if there were any injuries. We will let you know when we find out more.
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel for
WALA-TV during the hour of 9:00 p.m. on the Sunday of the tenth day of
this June ("FOX 10 News at 9:00 p.m.") appeared to have had one of its
news presenters (Shelby Myers), "Never been snapper fishing, but that's
on my bucket list", its other news presenter (Lee Peck) saying, "Jason
could take you out" immediately afterwards, and the one mentioned first
saying "I'll have to see" immediately afterwards immediately after
appearing to have had video of fish being captured (note: the video involving the fish appeared to have had digital graphics resembling text of "FOX 10 Outdoors with Jason Smith").
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel for
WKRG-TV during the first half of the hour of 10:00 p.m. on the Monday of
the eleventh day of this June ("WKRG News 5 at 10") appeared to have
had only one of its news presenters (Peter Albrecht and Rose Ann Haven)
introducing his or her self (note #1: the one named Rose Ann Haven appeared to had been the only one to had done so (note #2: this is what she appeared to had said while doing so: "Hello
everyone and thanks for watching. I'm Rose Ann Haven.
Mel Showers has the night off"(note #3: "Mel Showers" was the name of another news presenter for the program (note #4: the one named Peter Albrecht was not a regular news presenter for the program)))).
- The main broadcast channel for WALA-TV appeared to had been set to have
some syndicated TV programs (named "Jeopardy!" and "Wheel of Fortune") and a
network program from their main provider of network programming ("FIFA
World Cup Today" from the FOX Broadcasting Company) when it usually
appeared to have some local news programs of theirs on a daily basis in recent times ("FOX 10 News at 6:00 a.m." during the hour of 6:00 a.m. and "FOX 10 News at 7:00 a.m." during the hour of 7:00 a.m.) this Saturday (it appeared to have had the one
named "Jeopardy!" during the first
half of the hour of 6:00 a.m., the one named "Wheel of Fortune" during
the second half of the hour of 6:00 a.m., and the one named "FIFA World
Cup Today" during the first and second halves of the hour of 7:00 a.m. this
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel for
WKRG-TV during the first half of the hour of 10:00 p.m. on the Monday of
the eleventh day of this June ("WKRG News 5 at 10") appeared to have
had a report in which the words, "He says
you should pick up anything that could be used as a weapon; if you're in
the kitchen, that means a knife" were part of its narrative.
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel for
WKRG-TV during the second half of the hour of 4:00 a.m. and the hours of
5:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. on the Thursday of the fourteenth day of this
June ("WKRG News 5 This Morning") appeared to have audio of one of its
news presenters (Bill Riales) saying, "Another Waffle House video goes
viral, but this time it has a different ending".
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel for
WALA-TV during the hour of 9:00 p.m. on the Wednesday of the thirteenth
day of this June ("FOX 10 News at 9:00 p.m.") appeared to have had audio
of one of its news presenters (Bob Grip)
saying, "Deserves a medal for
that" between having audio of his presenting some parts of a certain
report immediately after appearing to have had a certain video involving
certain other person.
- Some of the local news programming WKRG-TV had on their main broadcast
channel this Friday appeared to have
had some members of their news operation presenting reports of their
being part of a certain "day of caring" (note: a certain Facebook page related to WKRG-TV
appeared to had been used by its administration to stream one of the
programs that appeared to have had such reports (note #1: the program
appeared on the channel during the first half of the hour of 12:00 p.m.
this Friday (note #2: the name of the program was "WKRG News 5 at
- A certain Facebook page named "The Catholic Week" appeared to have had been used by its administration to post a certain message related to a certain member of the news operation at WALA-TV named Bob Grip and a certain radio station in the broadcast area for WALA-TV named WNGL-AM on the Friday of the eighth day of this June (note #1: some images appeared to had been posted with the message (note #2: the message and some of the images appeared to had been shared with a Facebook page related to the member on the Saturday of the ninth day of this June)).
- The main broadcast channel for WALA-TV appeared to have a syndicated program (named "Jack Hanna's Into the Wild") while one of the digital sub-channels for WALA-TV appeared to have a program for a certain national TV programming service usually connected only with the main one in recent times (the FOX Broadcasting Company) during the second half of the hour of 9:00 a.m. this Friday (note: the main channel appeared to have had a program from this service all ready in progress at the beginning of the hour of 10:00 a.m. this Friday whereas the aforementioned sub-channel appeared to have had a program from a separate national TV programming service often connected to its own programming in recent times (COZI TV) all ready in progress at the beginning of the same hour this Friday (note: the FOX Broadcasting Company was the main provider of network programming for WALA-TV)).
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel for
WALA-TV during the first half of the hour of 10:00 p.m. on the Wednesday
of the thirteenth day of this June ("FOX 10 News at 10:00 p.m.")
appeared to have had audio of one of its news presenters (Lenise Ligon) saying, "That's right up my alley, greens and -- [Byron Day (the other news presenter): Peas] and
peas [Bryon Day: Lemon juice] -- and basil -- [Byron Day: Yep. Basil -- not basil]
-- and it sounds good. Alabama's sea food industry on display tonight in
Bayou La Batre", the other news presenter saying,
"Sounds great. What are you kidding me. Some top chefs competing in the
Alabama sea-food cookoff -- our Lee Peck was lucky enough to be there.
Hi Lee" immediately afterwards, and one of its reporters (Lee Peck) saying, "Definitely a nice
assignment there, Byron and Lenise" immediately afterwards immediately after appearing to have
had a certain video involving a certain person saying, "So this is going to be delicious;
instead of just basil, I'm
using local peas, some nice greens -- put in a little lemon juice to
bring up the flavors".
- The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel for
WKRG-TV during the first halves of the hours of 6:00 p.m. on the
Thursday of the fourteenth day of this June ("WKRG News 5 at 6")
appeared to have had reports involving part of the name of one of the local radio stations
in their local broadcast area (the letters "WNSP" for WNSP-FM) for some parts of them related to sports (note #1: this was how those letters were mentioned in the report for the first program mentioned: "Former Senior
Bowl executive director Phil Savage has another side-job
-- appearing on WNSP Radio this morning, Savage said he's taken on the
general manager's position of the Phoenix Alliance of American
Football" (note #2: this was how those letters were mentioned in the report for
the second program mentioned: "Former Senior Bowl executive director
Phil Savage is the new general manager of the Phoenix Alliance of
American Football; the team is in a new league that will play in the
spring; Speaking this morning on WNSP Radio, Savage said the new
position will also allow him to also do some coaching on the field. He
said he plans to be back in the radio booth this year as color
commentator on the Alabama Crimson Tide football network where he'll be tenuring his tenth season with Eli Gold)).