News for Sunday, February 23rd, 2020
- A certain part of a certain Facebook page related to WALA-TV appeared to have had a static image and some groups of text such as some text of, "FOX10
General Manager Gary Yoder met FOX10's self-professed #1 fan Matt
Kelone at Saturday's Mystics of Time parade in Mobile. We thank Matt and
his family for all of their support." related to its administration
this Sunday (note: the main broadcast channel for WALA-TV often appeared to have had videos related to them (or advertisements and TV programs related to them) involving certain voices being used to say the word "fox" and the number "10" together in the order they were mentioned in this paragraph and texts of either "FOX10" or "FOX
10" and/or digital graphics resembling texts of either "FOX10" or "FOX 10" before this Sunday earlier this calendar year and certain calendar years prior to this one).
- A certain part of a certain TV program dedicated to entertainment and
lifestyles that appeared to have had been part of the main broadcast
channel for WPMI-TV during the second half of the hour of 12:00 p.m. on
the Friday of the twenty-first day of this February ("Gulf Coast Today")
appeared to have had involved one of its contributors (a host of some
of its content saying Amanda Booz) saying phrases such as, "Hey everyone. Happy Friday and welcome to Gulf Coast
Today. I'm your host Amanda Booz joined by Ninety-five KSJ's very
own Johnna Farmer here in the studio today, with her Mardi Gras colors,
she's all in season and I'm loving it" next to one of its other contributors (note: the main broadcast channels for WPMI-TV and certain other TV stations in southwest Alabama often appeared to have had videos (or advertisements) related to WKSJ-FM involving certain voices being used to say the word "ninety-five" and the letters "KSJ" together in the order they were mentioned in this paragraph and graphics resembling the word in numeral form ("95") and the letters in the same order before this Sunday during certain calendar years prior to this one).
- A certain broadcast frequency in southwest Alabama often connected to a radio station named WHIL-FM often connected to a company specialized in broadcasting named Alabama Public Radio before this Sunday earlier this calendar year and certain calendar years prior to this one often had no audio at an hour in which it
often had audio involving voices being used to say sentences with parts such as "all things considered" and "NPR" on a
regular basis earlier this calendar year and certain calendar years
prior to this one on the Saturday of the twenty-second day of this
February (note #1: a certain part of a certain World Wide Web site connected to a company named Alabama Public Radio that often appeared to
have had a streamer capable of having a stream of audio similar to the kinds of audio that were often on the frequency mentioned earlier in this paragraph before that Saturday
earlier this calendar year and calendar years prior to this one often
had no audio during the same hour mentioned earlier in this paragraph (note #2: the frequency
had at least one piece of audio during the hour that Saturday
(involving certain voices being used to say sentences with parts such as, "Support for Alabama..."))).
- A certain part of a certain Facebook page related to WALA-TV
appeared to have had a video involving some disembodied voices being
used to say, "Well look at this, a local school putting on an exhibit to
celebrate Black History Month and this student, decided to represent
FOX 10's Renee Dials. Ugh, Renee was Mobile's first, black woman news
anchor and dedicated forty years, aw, of an award-winning career to FOX
10 News. I got to get a closer look at this. So there she is, dressed
up, for her school project as Renee Dials. Job, well done" and some groups of text such as some text of, "A
local school put on an exhibit to celebrate Black History Month and
this student chose to represent former FOX10 News anchor Renee Dials!
Renee was Mobile’s first African-American female news anchor and she
dedicated 40 years of her award-winning career at WALA FOX10 News"
related to its administration on the Saturday of the twenty-second day
of this February
(note #1: certain parts of certain TV programs related to WALA-TV that appeared
have had been part of certain broadcast channels connected to them during certain calendar years prior to this one (specifically channels for broadcasting main or primary feeds of
programming for their broadcast operation) often appeared to have
had involved a contributor for certain parts of it related to news
named Renee Dials either presenting or reporting details related to news (or speaking in general) (note #2: the disembodied voices mentioned earlier in this paragraph
were similar to certain kinds of voices certain TV programs related to WALA-TV that appeared to have had been part of a main broadcast channel of theirs before this Saturday earlier this calendar year and certain
calendar years prior to this one appeared to have had for a contributor for certain parts of them related to news named Lenise Ligon presenting details related to news (or speaking in general))) (update for Monday, February 2th, 2020: a certain part of a certain World Wide Web site related to WALA-TV appeared to have had a video similar to the one on the page mentioned earlier in this paragraph this Monday).
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