Tuesday, November 24, 2020

News for Tuesday, November 24th, 2020

(note: a certain part of a certain paragraph for a previous report for this site named "News for Monday, November 23rd, 2020" (specifically the one second from its bottom) was reformatted after it was originally published on the Monday of the twenty-third day of this November)
  • A certain part of a certain Facebook page involving groups of text such as some text of, "As much fun as we've had all week, Sneak Peek has come to an end! And as promised, here's the entire list of nominees in the 2020 Suncoast Regional Emmy® Awards! Congratulations!", some text of, "NATAS Suncoast Chapter Emmy Awards", and some text of, "October 17" appeared to have had a hyperlink (involving some text of, "https://bit.ly/3454vBD") to a certain part of a certain World Wide Web site involving some groups of text with certain parts similar to them (such as "Emmy" and "Suncoast") involving some groups of text not similar to them such as some text of a certain name for a certain TV station related to southwest Alabama ("WPMI-TV"), a certain name for a contributor for that station ("Alan Sealls"), and some text of a certain name for a certain part of southwest Alabama ("Mobile, AL") this Tuesday (note: there often appeared to had been a reporter of weather for certain news programming related to WPMI-TV named Alan Sealls before this day earlier this calendar year). 

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