Friday, April 2, 2021

News for Friday, April 2nd, 2021

(note: the second paragraph near the bottom of a previous report for this site named "News for Thursday, April 1st, 2021" was amended this Friday)
  • A certain broadcast channel related to WKRG-TV (a sub-channel) appeared to have had two separate videos involving some voices being used to say some phrases with parts such as, " Dean Waite..." and some groups of text such as some text of, "Dean" appearing directly above some text of, "Waite" each appear for a period of time between five seconds and thirty seconds between appearing to have had certain parts of a TV program named "Happy Days" appear during the second half of the hour of 5:00 p.m. this Friday. 
  • A certain broadcast channel related to WKRG-TV (a main channel) appeared to have had some digital graphics (with parts resembling some text of, "WKRG" and some text of, ("5")) similar to certain kinds of graphics that often appeared to have had been in certain TV programming related to WKRG-TV before the Sunday of the twenty-eighth day of the month of March for this calendar year earlier this calendar year and certain calendar years prior to this one appear at least once in a certain part of its area of display (specifically near the bottom of the middle of its area of display) that day (note #1: there occasionally appeared to have had been graphics like the ones mentioned earlier in this paragraph being broadcast near the bottom of the middle of the area of display for a channel related to WKRG-TV when there often appeared to have had been only one broadcast channel related to WKRG-TV during certain calendar years prior to this one (with certain differences such as their each appearing to have had been larger and their each appearing to have had some parts resembling some text of, "TV" appearing against some texts of, "5" in front of them) (note #2: a certain World Wide Web site separate from this one involving various texts of, "YouTube" appeared to have had at least one video involving at least one example of the kind of graphics mentioned in the note just before this one this Friday)). 

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