Friday, February 18, 2022

News for Friday, February 18th, 2022

  • A certain World Wide Web site related to WALA-TV appeared to have had at least one section or page involving a video near some groups of text such as some text of, "FOX10's Jennifer Lambers talks to Foley kindergarteners about weather", some text of, "UPDATED 8 HRS AGO | POSTED ON FEB 17, 2022" this Friday (note: there often appeared to have had been a contributor to some TV programming related to WALA-TV (or at least certain parts of such programming related to news) named Jennifer Lambers before this Friday during certain calendar years prior to this one). 
  • There appeared to have had been some TV programming related to WKRG-TV (or at least a certain part of such programming related to news) involving some voices being used to say phrases with parts such as, "Well thank you so much for your making WKRG News Five [or 5] your favorite choice for news at noon" being broadcast on at least one broadcast channel related to WKRG-TV (or at least one main broadcast channel related to WKRG-TV) during the first half of the hour of 12:00 p.m. the Tuesday of the fourth day of the month of January earlier this calendar year (2022).   
  • A certain Facebook page related to WALA-TV appeared to have had at least one section or part involving some groups of text such as some text of, "FOX 10 News 'Caught in the Act' does it again. Mobile Police identified a suspect from home surveillance video we showed you Sunday night." (near a hyperlink (connected to a certain part of a certain World Wide Web site related to WALA-TV) involving a static image and some text of, "FOX10TV.COM" and some text of, "CAUGHT IN THE ACT: Suspect identified after featured on FOX 10 News") related to its administration the Thursday of the seventeenth day of this February (note: there often appeared to have had been some TV programming related to WALA-TV named "FOX 10 News" (or "FOX10 News") during certain calendar years prior to this one (2022)).

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