Friday, June 26, 2020

News for Thursday, June 25th, 2020

(note for Friday, June 26th, 2020: the third paragraph from the top of a previous report for this site site named "News for Tuesday, June 23rd, 2020" and both of the paragraphs for this were amended either for clarity or accuracy this Friday (additional note: the paragraph for the report mentioned first in the note before this one was amended more than one time)) 
  • One of the broadcast channels for WFNA-TV (a main one) appeared to have had a certain TV program named "TMZ" appear at a certain period of time (the second half of an hour of 12:00 a.m.) that often appeared to have had been listed as a time in which the channel was set to have a program named "Live PD: Police Patrol" on calendar days other than Saturday and Sunday by certain guides to TV programming (on the World Wide Web) before this day earlier this calendar year this on the Wednesday of the twenty-fourth day of this June (note #1: a certain TV set in southwest Alabama appeared to have had been capable of having some text of the name of the program mentioned second in this paragraph appear in a certain kind of digital graphic similar to some graphics it appeared to have had been capable of having while appearing to have had other TV programs along with texts of the names of those programs inside of them while appearing to have had the program mentioned first in this paragraph in the period of time mentioned earlier in this paragraph this Thursday (note #2: at least two of the guides mentioned earlier in this paragraph (on sites with addresses involving texts of, "" and text of, "") each appeared to have had text of the name of the program mentioned second in this paragraph listed for the period of time mentioned earlier in this paragraph this Thursday)). 

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