Monday, December 27, 2021

Commentary: Some voices of interest

  • I had found my self to had been surprised and glad to had heard what I had believed to had been some mentionings of certain meanings of certain names related to broadcasting in southwest Alabama ("news, sports [or news; sports]" (for "WNSP"); "the world's most beautiful music" (for "WMBM")) in what I had believed to had been a certain recording of audio mentioned in a certain report for this site named "News for Monday, December 27th, 2021" this Monday. 
  • I had often heard what I had believed to had been some videos related to WKRG-TV involving some voices being used to say phrases with certain parts I had found to had been unnecessary, unobjective, and detrimental, specifically parts such as, "Make sure to take out your rod and reel" and/or, "Ed says it's a great day for fishing" (note #1: a certain World Wide Web site separate from this one involving various texts of, "YouTube" appeared to have had at least one section or page involving a video similar to the ones mentioned before this note in this paragraph (note #2: I was reminded of a certain part of a certain report of mine here named "News for Friday, April 16th, 2021" while making this paragraph (specifically the second paragraph from its top))).

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