Monday, July 25, 2016

News for Monday, July 25th, 2016

  • One of the news presenters for the local news operation at WPMI-TV (Kelly Jones) had referred to a candidate for the presidency of the United States (Hillary Clinton) who may or may not be nominated for that position at a convention for her and other members of her political party (the Democratic Party) later this calendar week as both "presumptive nominee" and "eventual nominee" in their local news programming this Monday.*
  • Last Sunday on the twenty-fourth day of this July, some messages blaming WKRG-TV for an abrupt interruption in their broadcast of a national TV news program from their main provider of network programming ("60 Minutes" from the Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS)) that day were posted onto the wall of their official Facebook page that day (according to WKRG-TV, the problem was actually on the side of the provider of the program).**
(*update for Tuesday, July 26th, 2016: the candidate was nominated)
(**the news presenter on the local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel for WKRG-TV later that Sunday (Ashley Knight on "WKRG News 5 at 10 [p.m.]") presented a report about the part of the network program that got interrupted without mentioning the interruption (she mentioned a video of the part that got interrupted being available on the official World Wide Web site for the network program at the end of the report, though)).

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