Friday, September 20, 2019

News for Sunday, September 15th, 2019

  • A certain part of a certain news program related to WKRG-TV that appeared to have had been part of their main broadcast channel during the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. this Sunday (“WKRG News 5 This Morning: Sunday”) appeared to have had involving one of its contributors (a certain presenter for certain parts of it related to news named Chad Petri) saying words often used to express personal feelings (such as “impressive”) for one of its presentations (specifically a presentation related to sports). 
  • The main broadcast channel for WKRG-TV appeared to have had a certain video involving a certain disembodied voice being used to say phrases such as, “The following program is a program paid for by Canella Response” while appearing to have had texts such as “THE FOLLOWING PROGRAM IS A PROGRAM PAID FOR BY CANCELLA RESPONSE” before appearing to have had a certain program involving texts such as “International Fellowship for Christians and Jews” and “Emergency Help Hotline” immediately afterwards during the second half of the hour of 10:00 a.m. this Sunday. 

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