Friday, June 17, 2022

Commentary: A certain surprise

(note: a certain part (or a certain paragraph) of a certain report for this site published before this commentary named "News for Thursday, June 16th, 2022" was amended (or clarified with some text meant to be part of it) this Friday (specifically the second paragraph from its top)) 

  • I was surprised to had found what I had believed to had been a certain part of a certain TV program from a certain calendar year prior to this one named "Family Feud" involving some audible mentionings of "Mobile, Alabama" being broadcast through what I had believed to had been a certain channel for a certain Internet video service named Pluto TV (during the first half of the hour of 2:00 a.m. this Friday (specifically one for broadcasting TV programming for what I had believed to had been a certain TV programming service named BUZZR).


  1. What did they say about Mobile?

  2. (possible date for when this part of this "Family Feud" was originally broadcast: July 26th, 1982 (a Monday))
