Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Commentary: Some reminders of certain (Internet/World Wide Web) findings (or certain findings involving certain subjects that could be described as "tacky" (or inappropriate or unprofessional))

(note: a certain part (or a certain paragraph) of a certain report for this site published before this commentary named "News for Monday, June 27th, 2022" was amended (with a "first update" and a "second update") the Tuesday of the twenty-eighth day of this June (specifically the second paragraph from its top)) 

  • I was reminded of what I had believed to had been certain parts of a World Wide Web site (or a certain Facebook address) involving various texts of, "Tacky Reporting in Mobile Area TV News" during certain calendar years prior to this one while watching and hearing what I had believed to had been certain parts of what I had believed to had been certain TV programming related to WKRG-TV (related to news) being broadcast on a certain broadcast channel related to WKRG-TV (a main broadcast channel) during the hour of 5:00 a.m. this Wednesday (specifically a part involving what I had believed to had been one involving a camera rotating in a steady way (or a panoramic view of a camera involving different parts of a room involving certain (living) beings (or certain contributors (or presenters) to this part in separate locations discussing certain subjects unrelated to each other) and a part (involving what I had believed to had been a certain kind of report) involving certain kinds of music I had found to had been inappropriate, unnecessary, and detrimental to its self) (note: I had found what I had believed to had been a certain video with certain parts similar to the part of the programming mentioned second earlier in this paragraph on what I had believed to had been a certain part of a World Wide Web site related to the WKRG-TV mentioned earlier in this paragraph and certain groups of text that could be described as certain definitions of the word "tacky" on what I had believed to had been a certain part of a certain World Wide Web site related to what I had believed to had been a certain "Oxford English Dictionary" this Wednesday). 

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