Saturday, October 5, 2019

News for Friday, October 4th, 2019

  • A certain part of a certain Facebook page related to WKRG-TV appeared to have had some text of "The word 'hot'  has been used so much over the past month that WKRG John Nodar & Bill Riales WKRG needed new words to substitute to break up the monotony" related to its administration near a certain video and and some groups of text similar to those of a certain part of a certain other Facebook page related to a certain administration of its own* on the Wednesday of the second day of this October (*such as, "WKRG Thomas Geboy" and "We've been talking about hot weather for so long WKRG John Nodar dusted off the ole' weather thesaurus to break up some of the monotony. What is your favorite subsitute[**] and how would you describe the heat??" related to its administration on the Wednesday of the second day of this October. 
  • A certain part of a certain TV program dedicated to entertainment and lifestyles that appeared to have had been part of the main broadcast channel for WALA-TV during the hour of 9:00 a.m. on the Thursday of third day of this October ("Studio 10") appeared to have had one of its contributors (a certain host for certain parts of it named Joe Emer) saying, "Those mean girls remind me of what Chelsey was like in high school, ha ha,* so mean! Just kidding, everyone. Just kidding" after appearing to have had a certain video involving texts of  "Mean Girls" and "Paramount Pictures" and some digital graphics involving texts of " 'MEAN GIRLS' DAY' ", and "CELEBRATING THE 15TH ANNIVERSARY OF FILM" (note #1: one of the other hosts for the program appeared to have had been a certain being named Chelsey Sayasane (*note #2: the part appeared to have had some disembodied voices being used to say, "Oh!" immediately appearing to have had the contributor named Joe Emer saying, "Ha ha!" (note #3: certain parts of a certain World World Wide Web site related to WALA-TV appeared to have had some videos involving moments similar to this part (between these points of theirs lengths of time: 5:20 and 5:30))). 
  • A certain part of a certain news program related to WALA-TV that appeared to have had been part of their main broadcast channel during the hour of 9:00 p.m. on the Monday of the thirtieth day of the month of September for this calendar year ("FOX 10 News at 9:00 p.m.") appeared to have had one of its contributors (a certain presenter for certain parts of it related to news named Byron Day) saying, "I'm taking notes on this story. According to some experts, it's a lot easier thank you might think. Here's tonight's consumer watch.", immediately after appearing to have had one of its other contributors (a certain presenter for certain parts of it related to news named Lenise Ligon) saying, "A real estate method has helped turn people into millionaires at an early age (note #1: the part appeared to have had the contributor named Lenise Ligon saying, "Hm hm hm" immediately after appearing to have had the one named Byron Day saying, "I'm taking notes on this story" (note #2: the part appeared to have had a certain video not involving the contributors with some digital graphics involving a certain kind of disembodied voice and some texts of "CONSUMER WATCH" and "MILLION-DOLLAR REAL ESTATE STRATEGY immediately after appearing to have had the one named Byron Day saying, "Here's tonight's consumer watch")). 
  • A certain part of a certain news program related to WALA-TV that appeared to have had been part of their main broadcast channel during the hour of 9:00 p.m. on the Sunday of the twenty-ninth day of the month of September for this calendar year ("FOX 10 News at 9:00 p.m.") appeared to have had one of its contributors (a certain presenter for certain parts of it related to news named Michael Warrick) saying, "Well if you see economy seats with more leg room in the future, you have updated plane, safety rules to thank for it. Thank you" before appearing to have had a certain video involving some disembodied voices similar to the voices it appeared to have for the contributor while appearing to have had him speaking before then being used to say, "Federal officials are planning new tests to make sure travelers can safely escape during emergencies. The F-D-A will be holding drills to help determine whether airplane seats are too tight for people to evacuate quickly. The agency will use the information, to a set a minimum size, to make sure people can escape in ninety seconds or less. The drills are taking place in November, and the F-A-A will conduct the evacuation tests with more than seven hundred people, over a series of twelve days." immediately afterwards (with some digital graphics involving texts of "AIRPLANE SEAT SAFETY" and "FAA CONDUCTING DRILLS TO AD IN EVACUATIONS" (note: the program appeared to have had the contributor saying,  That, is good news" immediately after appearing to have had this video)). 

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