Conversations in Broadcasting #36

The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel for WKRG-TV between the fifth and forty-fifth minutes of the hour of 5:00 p.m. on the Sunday of the twenty-sixth day of the month of August for the calendar year 2018 ("WKRG News 5 at 5") appeared to have had this conversation between its news presenter (Jason Carter) and one of its reporters (a weather reporter named Thomas Geboy):

Jason Carter: You know, Thomas, we see dauphins all the time right here on the gulf coast.

Thomas Geboy: Yeah.

Jason Carter: And sometimes they do kind of make it on the beach, but -- look at this, this is crazy -- this is down in South America and man....that's a orca, isn't it?

Thomas Geboy: Yeah, that's a killer whale. That's something you don't see here every day

Jason Carter: No, no, but I mean -- look at all the people that came together to help, but I mean this was -- was it twenty feet long. Is that how big this thing was?

Thomas Geboy: It looks like it, well they had to -- they had to get in the crane to move it, apparently, uh, maybe it was getting close to the, uh, coast; maybe because it found some seals. I don't know what the, uh, food situation down in South America,  but, if it's down near south, it could be relatively close to Antarctica.

Jason Carter: But yeah, but with Argentina, you saw them wearing all those like, really thick wet suits, not only was that kind of heroic, you're kind of risking your own life in that -- that cold weather.

Thomas Geboy: Yeah, it is winter down there, so it is, uh, something to think about, and the water down there probably a little bit on the chilly side and it looks like everyone's also wearing jackets -- the guy in the -- the crane's probably got it--got it made. 

Jason Carter: Yeah, absolutely, absolutely, but our weather here, we're just -- unfortunately we're not cold; we'd like some [indistinguishable] 

Thomas Geboy: We're not cold, but the -- hopefully your A-C is -- hopefully the AC's working because it's going to need to be working over the next couple of days -- those high temperatures will be near ninety degrees. We start each morning in the middle seventies; forty to fifty percent chance of rain through mid-week; thirty to forty percent chance of rain from Thursday into the weekend, so it's just typical August weather along the gulf coast, but, we'll break it down a little bit more for you coming up tonight at News 5 at ten o'clock.

Jason Carter: And there's nothing typical about Robby Baker's suit,

Thomas Geboy: Nope.

Jason Carter: So you be sure to join us tonight at ten clock. 

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