Friday, February 28, 2020

News for Thursday, February 27th, 2020

  • Certain parts of a certain news program related to WALA-TV that appeared to have had been part of their main broadcast channel during the hour of 5:00 p.m. on the Wednesday of the twenty-sixth day of this February ("FOX 10 News at 5:00 p.m.") often appeared to have had a digital box with a video and some text of "AWAITING PRES. TRUMP".
  • A certain part certain news program related to WALA-TV that appeared to have had been part of their main broadcast channel during the hour of 9:00 p.m. on the Friday of the twenty-first day of this February ("FOX 10 News at 9:00 p.m.") appeared to have had involved some mentionings of certain phrases such as such as, "I asked him about this and he's like no not now, no fishing now" (from a presenter of news named Lenise Ligon), "Yeah, but you still hit that quail very good" (from a presenter of news named Byron Day), and "Yeah well it's still a little bit you have that bird season thing going at the [conservancy]* center" (from a reporter of weather named Jason Smith) (note #1: the part of the phrase mentioned last in this paragraph indicated by an asterisk had sounded as if it could be spelled either "conserventry" or "conservantry" (note #2: a certain part of a certain World Wide Web site related to WALA-TV appeared to have had a video similar to some of this part with the exception of it not appearing to have had most of the phrases mentioned earlier in this paragraph with the exception of it appearing to have had the first two words in the phrase mentioned first on the Sunday of the twenty-third day of this February)).
  • A certain part certain news program related to WALA-TV that appeared to have had been part of their main broadcast channel during the hour of 9:00 p.m. on the Monday of the twenty-fourth day of this February ("FOX 10 News at 9:00 p.m.") appeared to have had some disembodied voices being used to say, "Right now Mobile police looking for a guy they say shot and killed a man. Where, is Anthony Orr?" while appearing to have had a video with digital graphics involving groups of text such as some text of, "BREAKING NEWS, DEADLY DOWNTOWN SHOOTING" and some text of, "1 DEAD, 1 INJURED/MPD SEARCHING FOR ANTHONY OOR" (note: the part appeared to have had one of its contributors (a presenter of news named Lenise Ligon) saying, "All right led away in handcuffs, convicted in the MeToo movement, the verdict" with a voice similar to the voices mentioned earlier in this paragraph and some other disembodied voices like them being used to say, "Is [or -is] in for Harvey Weinstein, but that's not all" immediately afterwards while appearing to have had a video with digital graphics involving groups of text such as some text of, "COMING UP", and some text of, "WEINSTEIN VERDICT IS IN" before appearing to some had some other disembodied voices like them being used to say, "Then FOX 10 News staying on top of that breaking news" while appearing to have had the video mentioned first in this paragraph (without the digital graphics mentioned first in this paragraph) before appearing to the have had the voices mentioned first in this paragraph immediately afterwards). 

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