Thursday, January 14, 2021

Commentary: Some interesting calendar dates and a surprise

  • I had often found what I had believed to had been the calendar dates upon which WALA-TV and WEAR-TV began broadcasting regularly (during certain calendar years prior to this one (1953 for WALA-TV; 1954 for WEAR-TV) to had been very interesting due to their proximities to each other (the fourteenth day of January for WALA-TV; the thirteenth day of January for WEAR-TV). 
  • I was surprised in a very pleasant way after having seen and heard what I had believed to had been a certain part of a certain certain TV program named "The Price is Right" (dated for the calendar year 1982) involving one of its contributors (a host named Bob Barker) saying, "Margaret of Mobile, Alabama" (while appearing to have had the contributor near whom I had believed to had been a certain other contributor of the installment (a contestant named Margaret Hughes) this Thursday (note #1: the part appeared to have had been broadcast through a certain channel for a certain Internet video service named Pluto TV this Thursday (note #2: I had mentioned some other surprises similar to this one in some previous commentaries for this site named "Commentary: A surprise" and "Commentary: Another surprise")).

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