Monday, October 1, 2018

News for Sunday, September 30th, 2018

  • A certain part of a certain World Wide Web site named YouTube appeared to have had a video involving what appeared to had been a certain part of a certain TV program named "The Price is Right" involving the name of a certain university in the city of Mobile in southwest Alabama this Sunday (note: the name of the university was the University of South Alabama).
  • The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel for WALA-TV during the hour of 7:00 a.m. on the Saturday of the twenty-ninth day of this September ("FOX 10 News at 7:00 a.m.") appeared to have had ended with the volume of its audio being reduced while appearing to have had a certain video of a certain location before fading to black immediately afterwards (note: the audio had involved some music and a certain disembodied voice being used to say, "Thank you for spending your Saturday morning here with--" before then).
  • The local news program that appeared on the main broadcast for WKRG-TV between the fifth and the forty-fifth minutes of the hour of 6:00 p.m. on the Saturday of the twenty-ninth day of this September ("WKRG News 5 at 6") appeared to have had its news presenter (Jason Carter) saying, "Well a young girl in Kansas City is getting national attention doing what she loves: she's playing football and leading an all-boys team. As Beyonce says, girls run the world, and as Alanee LaFlore shows us, they can also run the field" before appearing to have had a certain video involving some digital graphics with texts of "FEMALE QB CELEBRATES A WIN" and "KANSAS CITY, MO" (note: a certain streamer for a certain World Wide Web site named Livestream appeared to have had this part of the program streamed with closed-captions involving text of "ALANA LAFLORE" after appearing to have had the news presenter saying "Alanee LaFlore").

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