Friday, March 10, 2017

News for Thursday, March 9th, 2017

(reminder: all times reflect the Central time zone)
  • The official Facebook page for WKRG-TV had a message attributed to an administrator of the page dated for this past Wednesday on the eighth day of this March about the local news operation for WKRG-TV having a rule against reports of certain suicides.
  • The main broadcast channel for WALA-TV was set to have paid commercial programs (or "infomercials") in place of two syndicated TV programs that were usually part of its regular programming plan for Monday through Friday in recent times ("Jeopardy!" during the first half of the hour of 6:00 p.m.; "Wheel of Fortune" during the second half of the hour of 6:00 p.m.) this Thursday (a ticker with a scrolling message about the programs returning to the channel in their regular time periods appeared on the channel itself during the first paid commercial).*
  • An advertisement for a local news program for WKRG-TV ("WKRG News 5 This Morning") usually published in a series of periodicals based in the city of Mobile in southwest Alabama (named Lagniappe) before the regular broadcast time period for the program was expanded last December (from two hours to two hours and thirty five minutes) was still being published for the periodicals afterwards (the time period it had for the program was still  "5 - 7 AM" in spite of its broadcasts usually beginning about five minutes before second half of the hour of 4:00 a.m. since that December).   
(*several questions and comments about the programs not appearing the channel appeared on the official Facebook page for WALA-TV by the time of this writing (one of those comments claimed at least 40 people had posted questions about the programs not appearing on the channel)

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