Tuesday, January 21, 2020

News for Monday, January 20th, 2020

  • A certain part of a certain World Wide Web site related to WPMI-TV appeared to have had a hyperlink to a profile of a certain contributor for certain news programs related to WPMI-TV that appeared to have had been part of the main broadcast channel before this Monday earlier this calendar year and certain news programs related to WKRG-TV that appeared to had been part of the main broadcast channel for WKRG-TV during calendar years prior to this one (a certain reporter of weather for them named "Alan Sealls") that usually did not appear to have had been there before this January (note: the "profile" did not appear to have had any text of either "WKRG-TV" or simply "WKRG"). 
  • A certain part of a certain news program related to WALA-TV that appeared to have had been part of their main broadcast channel during the hour of 9:00 p.m. on the seventeenth of this January ("FOX 10 News at 9:00 p.m.) appeared to have had involved some disembodied voices similar to the voices it appeared to have had for one of its contributors (a certain presenter of news named Byron Day) while appearing to have had that very contributor appear to speak being used to say, "A big congratulations to Coach Raley, and busting his buttons over his brother's induction, our very own night side executive producer Kip Raley, who was a pretty good player himself (note: a certain part of a certain World Wide Web site related to WALA-TV appeared to have had a video similar to this part on the Sunday of the nineteenth day of this January). 
  • A certain news program related to WALA-TV that appeared to have had been part of their main broadcast channel during the last eight minutes of the hour of 9:00 p.m. and the first twenty-two minutes of the hour of 10:00 p.m. on the Saturday of the nineteenth day of this January ("FOX 10 News") appeared to have had one of its contributors (a certain presenter for certain parts of it related to news named Michael Warrick) saying, "And also new from us tonight, the U-S Coast Guard, airlifting a man from the Carnival Pride. Just look at" (while appearing to have had a digital graphic with text of "COAST  GUARD  RESCUE" appear near the top of the right side of its area of display) before appearing to have had some disembodied voices similar to the ones it appeared to have had for the contributor while appearing to have had that very contributor appear to speak being used to say, "The [or -- the] video. A helicopter crew called in with the ship just north of San Juan. You can see them pulling the man from the deck. Over open water, and into the aircraft. Man, that's some amazing video there. A lieutenant with the operation crediting, the medivac's success to the coast guard's crew's training, and the efficiency of Carnival Pride professionals" immediately afterwards (while appearing to have had a group of (nine) monitors displaying different parts of a video and some digital graphics involving text of "MOVED FROM CARNIVAL SHIP AFTER MEDICAL EMERGENCY")), some disembodied voices similar to the ones mentioned earlier in this paragraph being used to say, "There's geaux tigers. You know that what that Olgeron says. L-S-U back at home today for their championship parade, in celebrating their win this week against Clemson, marking the team's fourth national title in the school's history" (while appearing to have had a video with a digital graphic involving text of "LSU"), a certain video with disembodied voices unlike the disembodied voices mentioned earlier in this paragraph and some digital graphics involving texts of " 'STUPID GOOD' FOOD" and "BIG 7 TRAVEL: BIG WHITE HAS THE BEST WINGS IN AL",  some disembodied voices similar to the disembodied voices mentioned first in this paragraph being used to say, "This is FOX" while appearing to have had a video surrounded by digital graphics (including some resembling text of "COMING UP" below its bottom) before appearing to have had some more disembodied voices similar to the disembodied voices mentioned first in this paragraph being used to say, "10 News, at ten o'clock now. A little late start. Stay ha ha close. We're back in two minutes" while appearing to have had a video with a digital graphic with parts resembling text of "LIVE", a digital graphic involving text of "DAPHNE", a digital graphic involving text of "Hampton Inn", a digital graphic involving parts resembling text of "Beau Rivage" appearing above some text of "RESORT & CASINO  ⠂ BILOXI" immediately afterwards, and some disembodied voices similar to the ones it appeared to have had for one of its other contributors (a certain reporter for  certain parts of it related to weather named Matt Barrentine) while appearing to have had that contributor appear to speak being used to say, "Got a new clicker here at FOX 10. Apparently, it decided that it doesn't like me, so I am going to go on the uh, computer here. I want to show you, get on there all right, so I had to click through it. Here's the wind gusts" between appearing to have have had that contributor appear to speak. (note: certain parts of a certain World Wide Web site related to WALA-TV appeared to have had videos similar to the part of the program involving texts of " 'STUPID GOOD' FOOD" and "BIG 7 TRAVEL: BIG WHITE HAS THE BEST WINGS IN AL" on the Sunday of the nineteenth day of this January). 

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