Saturday, June 20, 2020

Commentary: Some findings from certain news programming

  • I had found what appeared to have had been certain parts of certain news programming related to WKRG-TV between this Saturday and the Monday of the fifteenth day of this June to had been some of the most ridiculous and unprofessional news programming I had ever seen and/or heard (examples: the programming often appeared to have had a presenter of news (such as one named Cherish Lombard and one named Devon Walsh) sounding excited while appearing to do so, and a reporter of weather (such as one named Thomas Geboy and one named John Nodar) appear to speak about a certain kind of creature other than an person (a "dog") in an affectionate way in between appearing to have had the reporter appear to speak about a certain kind of forecast related to that kind of creature (a "dog-walking forecast"). 

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