Saturday, June 29, 2024

News for Saturday, June 29th, 2024

(note: a certain part (or a certain paragraph) of a certain report of this site published before this one named "News for Friday, June 21st, 2024" was amended (with a "first update" and a "second update") this Saturday (specifically the paragraph near its bottom))

  • A certain Facebook page related to WKRG-TV appeared to have had at least one section or part involving groups of text such as some text of, "WKRG" appearing directly above some text of, "2 hours ago" "#HurricaneKatrina tore Tonette Jackson from her husband’s arms as the storm split their home in two." appearing directly above some text of, "Hardy Jackson never knew what happened to his wife after the storm took her." appearing directly above some text of, "Now, 19 years later, Tonette’s daughter finally has an answer." appearing directly above some text of, "She came to town to reclaim her mom’s remains. Former #WKRG reporter Jennifer Mayerle also returned to town to tell this story of tragedy, mystery, and finality." appearing directly above some text of, "Watch it Tuesday at 10 pm." (appearing directly above a video) related to its administration this Saturday) (update for Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024: a certain Facebook page related to WKRG-TV appeared to have had at least one section or part involving groups of text such as some text of, "WKRG" appearing directly above some text of, "#HurricaneKatrina tore Tonette Jackson from her husband’s arms as the storm split their home in two." appearing directly above some text of, "Hardy Jackson never knew what happened to his wife after the storm took her." appearing directly above some text of, "Now, 19 years later, Tonette’s daughter finally has an answer." appearing directly above some text of, "She came to town to reclaim her mom’s remains." appearing directly above some text of, "Former #WKRG reporter Jennifer Mayerle also returned to town to tell this story of tragedy, mystery, and finality." appearing directly above some text of, "Watch it Tonight at 10 pm." (appearing directly above a video) related to its administration this Tuesday).
  • A certain Facebook page related to WALA-TV appeared to have had at least one section or part involving groups of text such as some text of, "FOX10 News" appearing directly above some text of, "20 hours ago" appearing directly above some text of, "Studio10 was on the road this morning for two hours of live interviews highlighting the City of Semmes! Watch it all on the FOX10 Gulf Stream!" (appearing directly above static imagery) related to its administration this Saturday (note: there often appeared to have had been TV programming related to WALA-TV involving audible audible (and visual) and mentionings of "FOX10 [or FOX 10]" (with pronunciations that could be spelled as FOX TEN, Fox TEN, FOX ten, fox ten, FOX ten, and fox TEN) (with or without audible mentionings of "News [or news]" immediately afterwards) being broadcast on at least one broadcast channel related to WALA-TV (or at least one main broadcast channel related to WALA-TV) before this Saturday during certain calendar years prior to this one (or during certain calendar years prior to this calendar year of 2024)).

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