Sunday, June 30, 2024

News for Sunday, June 30th, 2024

  • A certain Facebook page related to WKRG-TV appeared to have had at least one section or part involving groups of text such as some text of, "Michael Jordan, OD, from Franklin Primary Health Center joined WKRG on The Doctor is In to share why it is important to have a routine eye exam." (appearing directly above a video) related to its administration the Friday of the twenty-eighth day of this June. 
  • A certain World Wide Web site related to WEAR-TV appeared to have had at least one section or part involving groups of text such as some text of, "WEAR Morning News Enter to Win" appearing directly above some text of, "by WEAR | Sun, June 9th 2024 at 12:00 AM" appearing directly above a static image (with certain parts such as some resembling some text of, "WEAR abc 3" appearing directly above some text of, "M O R N I N G  N E W S" appearing directly above some text of, "WATCH, ENTER & WIN") appearing directly above some text of, "Watch WEAR Morning News at 5:30 a.m. for the 'Keyword'." appearing directly above some text of, "June 10- 14 - the daily winner gets a $200.00 gift card to Bere Jewelers." appearing directly above some text of, "June 17 - 21 the daily winner will receive four (4) tickets to the Deep South Cranes Blizzard 3 race on June 28, 2024." appearing directly above some text of, "Fill out your information and Keyword to enter the contest!" appearing directly above a rectangle involving some text of, "Sorry! This promotion has ended." the Saturday of the twenty-ninth day of this June.

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