Sunday, August 11, 2024

Commentary: A suggestion (or a solution for any TV station set to have special sports programming broadcast instead of regular network, syndicated, and/or local programming)

  • A temporary additional digital sub-channel (for broadcasting the kinds of regular programming mentioned in the name of this commentary). 

(note (or the reasons for this commentary): findings of certain TV programming unrelated to certain TV stations related to southwest Alabama named WKRG-TV and WALA-TV (specifically certain parts of such programming (unrelated to WKRG-TV and WALA-TV) related to certain sports that be described as football) between the hours of 6:00 p. m. and 9:00 p. m. the Saturday of the tenth day of this August (6:00:00 p. m. - 9:59:59 p. m.))

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