Friday, August 23, 2024

News for Friday, August 23rd, 2024

(note: a certain part (or a certain paragraph) of a certain report of this site published before this one named "News for Thursday, August 22nd, 2024" was amended (with an "update") this Friday (specifically the second paragraph from its bottom))

  • A certain Facebook page related to WALA-TV appeared to have had at least one section or part involving groups of text such as some text of, "FOX10 News" appearing directly above some text of, "2 hours ago" appearing directly above some text of, "Sports Director Emily Cochran joins Lee and Shelby on FOX10 Live to preview all the fun coming up this season in high school football." (appearing directly above a static image appearing indirectly above a hyperlink (connected to a certain part of a certain World Wide Web site related to WALA-TV) involving some text of, "") related to its administration the Thursday of the twenty-second day of this August (note: there often appeared to have had been TV programming related to WALA-TV involving audible (and visual) and mentionings of "FOX10 [or FOX 10]" (with pronunciations that could be spelled as FOX TEN, Fox TEN, FOX ten, fox ten, FOX ten, and fox TEN) (with or without audible mentionings of "News [or news]" immediately afterwards) being broadcast on at least one broadcast channel related to WALA-TV (or at least one main broadcast channel related to WALA-TV) before the Thursday or day of August mentioned earlier in this paragraph during certain calendar years prior to this one (or during certain calendar years prior to this calendar year of 2024)).

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