Friday, January 1, 2016

News for Thursday, December 31st, 2015

  • One of the news presenters for the local news operation at WKRG-TV said their tradition of having renditions of a poem (originally) titled "A Visit from Saint Nicholas" in their programming on a yearly basis was over 40 years old before presenting their most recent rendition of the poem in their local news programming on the Thursday of this past December 24th (the name of the news presenter was Peter Albrecht)
  • The main broadcast channel for WKRG-TV was set to have a variety program from their main provider of network programming named "The Late Show" this Friday (January 1st, 2016) during a time period in which it was not usually part of its programming from Monday through Friday due to the special local programming mentioned in the first paragraph of this report and some alternate programming during the time period in which it was usually part of its programming for those days (the unusual time period was 12:30 a.m. to 1:35 a.m; the usual time period was 10:35 p.m. to 11:37 p.m.; as for the alternate programming, it included a syndicated episode of a comedic TV program titled "The Andy Griffith Show").

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