Thursday, November 14, 2019

News for Wednesday, November 13th, 2019

  • A certain part of a World Wide Web site named "YouTube" involving texts of "WKRG", "Nov 13, 2019", and "Bill's cold weather hack" appeared to have had a certain video involving certain kinds of elements that often appeared to have had been part of certain news programs related to WKRG-TV that appeared to have had been part of their main broadcast channel before this day (this Wednesday) earlier this calendar year this very day. 
  • A certain part of a certain news program related to WALA-TV that appeared to have had been part of their main broadcast channel during the hour of 5:00 p.m. on the Tuesday of the twelfth day of this November ("FOX 10 News at 5:00 p.m.") appeared to have had involved certain disembodied voices being used to say, "All right, we've got some breaking news. Our Hal Scheurich on the scene here in Foley. A house, or a car that is, ran into a house just off Highway Fifty-nine.  My goodness, you can see the hole there and the vehicle. We're going to have more on this story for you on air and online" and certain other disembodied voices being used to say, "And also more coming up at nine and ten tonight on FOX 10 News. Boy that looks bad" immediately afterwards while appearing to have had a certain location not involving any of its contributors while appearing to have had a digital graphic involving elements resembling text of "FOX10" and some text of COPYRIGHT MEREDITH CORPORATION 2010" (note: the voices for the phrases mentioned first were similar to the ones other parts of the program appeared to have had while appearing to have had a certain contributor of its content named Lenise Ligon (a presenter of news) appearing to speak whereas the ones for the phrase mentioned second were similar to the voices other parts of the program appeared to have had while appearing to have had a certain other contributor of its content named Byron Day (a presenter of news) speaking.
  • A certain part of a certain news program related to WALA-TV that appeared to have had been part of their main broadcast channel during the hour of 9:00 p.m. on the Tuesday of the twelfth day of this November ("FOX 10 News at 9:00 p.m.") appeared to have had one of its contributors (a certain presenter for certain parts of it related to news named Lenise Ligon), saying, " A new trend, in the long distance, dating world" and some disembodied voices similar to the ones it appeared to have had for the contributor being used to say, "A bracelet that will send a vibration to your far away partner with a simple tap. Byron wants one, so I'll have the details, in my daily dot com [or Daily Dot Com]" immediately afterwards (note #1: the part appeared to have had a certain video surrounded by digital graphics (some of which appeared to have had resembled texts of "COMING UP") while appearing to have had the disembodied voices (note: one of the other contributors for the program appeared to have had been a certain contributor named "Byron (Day)" (note #2: a separate part of the program that appeared to have had been part of the channel in the same period of time this Tuesday appeared to have had the contributor mentioned first saying, "He he he he he. Byron was so excited about that daily dot com report" immediately after appearing to have had a certain video with disembodied voices similar to the ones it appeared to have had for her and a certain disembodied voice similar to the ones it appeared to have had for the other one saying, "Yee, yeah" immediately afterwards (note #3: the separate part appeared to have had the other contributor saying this immediately after appearing to have the one mentioned first in this paragraph: "Yeah and I thought mood rings and pet rocks were kind of silly, but this"))). 

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