Sunday, June 9, 2019

News for Friday, June 7th, 2019

  • A certain part of a certain news program related to WALA-TV that appeared to have had been part of their main broadcast channel during the hour of 5:00 p.m. on the Wednesday of the fifth day of this June ("FOX 10 News at 5:00 p.m.") appeared to have had one of its contributors (a certain presenter for certain parts of it related to news named Byron Day) saying, "Michael, this is a scary story" and one of its other contributors (a certain reporter for certain parts of it related to news named Michael Warrick) saying, "It is scary, Byron" afterwards while appearing to have had some digital graphics involving texts of "BREAKING NEWS", "NEIGHBORHOOD GATOR WATCH", and "SEHOY/SUBDIVISION DAPHNE" (note: certain parts of a certain World Wide Web site related to WALA-TV each appeared to have had a video similar to this part) 
  • A certain part of a certain news program related to WALA-TV that appeared to have had been part of their main broadcast channel during the hour of 9:00 p.m. on the Wednesday of the fifth day of this June ("FOX 10 News at 9:00 p.m.") appeared to have had one of its contributors (a presenter for certain parts of it related to news named Byron Day and a reporter for certain parts of it related to news named Michael Warrick) saying,"Michael, this is a scary time for them, especially when they had no idea, where the gator is" before appearing to have had a certain contributor named "Michael (Warrick)" immediately afterwards while appearing to have had some digital graphics involving texts of "ALLIGATOR SIGHTING IN DAPHNE" and "NEIGHBORS ON ALERT" (note: a certain part of a certain World Wide Web site related to WALA-TV appeared to have a video similar to this part).
  • A certain stream of video on a part of a certain World Wide Web site related to WKRG-TV appeared to have had a certain video involving a certain disembodied voice being used to say, "Seinfeld: coming this fall to the Gulf Coast CW" during at least one of its breaks from appearing to have had a certain news program related to WKRG-TV (named "WKRG News 5 at 10") during the first thirty-five minutes of the hour of 10:00 p.m. this Friday (note #1: "Gulf Coast CW" was usually said in videos involving announcements related to the main broadcast channel for WFNA-TV that appeared to have had been part of the channel itself and that of WKRG-TV before this Friday earlier this calendar year (note #2: WKRG-TV and WFNA-TV appeared to have had been related to each other earlier this calendar year and certain calendar years prior to this one due to their appearing to have had been members of a certain holding company named the Nexstar Media Group during those times)).
  • A certain part of a certain news program related to WALA-TV that appeared to have had been part of their main broadcast channel between the forty-sixth minute of the hour of 9:00 p.m. and the thirteenth minute of the hour of 10:00 p.m. on the Saturday of the first day of this June appeared to have had a certain disembodied voice* being used to say, "Professional eaters, sign me up. The Rouse's crawfish cup and two thousand dollars were up for grabs today. Think you got a shot, look out for next year's sign up. Eat your way to the top" immediately after appearing to have had it being to used, "Rouse's crawfish eating championship also taking place today at the Flora-Bama. Top-ranked eaters from across the nation, battling it out, over more than five hundred pounds of crawfish" while appearing to have had a certain video involving digital graphics involving texts of "CRAWFISH EATING CONTEST" and "PUT ON BY ROUSES MARKETS" (alternating with digital graphics involving texts of "TIM ACOSTA" and "ROUSES DIRECTOR OF MARKETING") (*the voice was similar to that of the kind of voice the program often appeared to have have had while appearing to have had a certain presenter for certain parts of it related to news named Lee Peck).
  • A certain part of a certain news program related to WALA-TV that appeared to have had been part of their main broadcast channel during the hour of 5:00 p.m. on the Wednesday of the fifth day of this June ("FOX 10 News at 5:00 p.m.") appeared to have had a static and scrambled image (with digital graphics involving texts of "LIVE", "FLASH FLOODING POSSIBLE", and "STORM TRACKER") for a certain part of it related to weather (after appearing to have had one of its contributors (a certain reporter for certain parts of it related to weather named Jason Smith) saying, "Let's check in with Adam. And Adam, I imagine you see that storm cloud off in the distance) (note: a separate part of the program that appeared to have had been part of the channel afterwards appeared to have had one of its other contributors (a certain presenter for certain parts of it related to news named Lenise Ligon) saying, "All right, and we do want to check back in with our meteorologist Adam Olivier. He's tracking the conditions for you and Adam, I understand that you're just outside of Foley" and another one of its contributors (a certain reporter for certain parts of it related to weather named Adam Olivier)  "That's right, Lenise. Yes, sometimes, uh live TV does that to you. We've been driving around. We are at the corner of twelve and sixty-five here right outside of Foley, and we were, uh, trying to get into an open field to see what, uh, what these storms are doing, because there's some pretty gusty winds going on with this band that's going to be moving toward Foley here within the next ten to fifteen minutes (with digital graphics like the ones mentioned earlier in this paragraph)).

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