Thursday, August 31, 2017

News for Wednesday, August 30th, 2017

  • A Facebook page attributed to a member of the local news operation at WKRG-TV named Emily DeVoe had some messages attributed to her dated for the Monday of the twenty-eighth day of this August about this calendar week being her last week as a member of the operation.
  • The main broadcast channels for WPMI-TV and WKRG-TV each had special weather programming instead of the local news programs that were usually part of their regular programming plan for the first half of the hour of 12:00 p.m. for Monday through Friday in recent times during that very time period this Wednesday (the news programs were usually named "Local 15 News at Noon" and "WKRG News 5 at Noon"). 
  • The main broadcast channel for WJTC-TV had a syndicated program named "Corrupt Crimes" in place of a local TV program that was usually set to be part of its programming during the second half of the hour of 5:00 p.m. from Monday through Friday in recent times ("Gulf Coast Today") during that very time period this Wednesday (the main broadcast channel for WPMI-TV* also did not have the local program during its own time period for having it from Monday through Friday in recent times due to some of the special weather programming mentioned in the previous paragraph)

(*WJTC-TV and WPMI-TV were related to each other due to their being members of the Sinclair Broadcast Group)
(**one of the videos included another member of the operation (John Nodar (a weather reporter)) doing a weather report for a "preview" for a local news program ("WKRG News 5 at 9 [a.m.]') set to be part of their programming during the first half of the hour of 9:00 a.m. this Wednesday (**another one had the same member working on special weather programming for their main broadcast channel afterwards))  

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