Sunday, May 15, 2016

News for Sunday, May 15th, 2016

  • WALA-TV, WKRG-TV, and WPMI-TV each had several live news reports about an automobile crashing into a school of dance in Mobile in some of the local news programming they had this past Friday on the thirteenth day of this May (between the hours of 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.; with WALA-TV having much of their local 5:00 p.m. news program ("FOX 10 News at 5:00 p.m.") dedicated to the crash). 
  • WALA-TV, WKRG-TV, and WPMI-TV had videos with different degrees of quality (or frame rates) in their programmings about the aforementioned crash this past Friday (for example WALA-TV had live video of the location of the crash with a frame rate similar to that of film whereas WKRG-TV and WPMI-TV each had live video of the location with a frame rate normally used for video).
  • One of the news presenters for the local news operation at WKRG-TV (Mel Showers) used some of the programming they had about the aforementioned crash to say his granddaughter usually taught dancing at the school where the crash occurred in recent times, but not at the time of the crash (she was said to be there on the previous day). 
  • The programming WKRG-TV had about the aforementioned crash this past Friday caused their local 6:00 p.m. news program ("WKRG News 5 at 6") to end a few minutes later than when it usually ended from Monday from Friday in recent times (it had ended at 6:32 p.m. rather than sometime between 6:25 p.m. and 6:28 p.m.; by then, one of its news presenters (Mel Showers) had said, "We now join 'The Andy Griffith Show' all ready in progress", even though their broadcast channel for both the local news program and the show show would actually have advertisements for about four minutes before having an episode of the show all ready in progress immediately after an animated sequence in which the main announcer for their broadcast operation (Jay Gardner) announced their return to regular programming.

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