Monday, April 24, 2017

Commentary: Blatant advertising, profane advertising, and awkward acting

  • I thought the way a law firm based in the city of Mobile in southwest Alabama (Greene & Phillips) was usually promoted on some of the local news programs for WKRG-TV in recent times was too blatant and unsubtle (the presenters for the programs usually mentioned the name of the law firm while talking about giving away umbrellas with that very name) . I would had not allowed for this type of advertising if I were in charge of WKRG-TV. 
  • I was surprised and offended by a televised advertisement* for a credit union based in Mobile (New Horizons Credit Union) having a person refer to another person as an "idiot" and an automobile as a "a piece of crap". It should had been more positive (if its creators were trying to be funny or entertaining, they could had still tried, but without resorting to rude language that folks such as myself may deem detrimental to both its characters and the credit union.
  • Folks who may had been watching or/or hearing the local news program that appeared on the main broadcast channel for WKRG-TV on the morning of the Saturday of the twenty-second day of this April ("WKRG News 5 This Morning: Saturday") may had been surprised by the way its news presenter (Bill Riales) acted surprised after presenting a video about a crocodile (or "alligator") being captured in Mobile (he was saying, "That guy grabbed an alligator by the tail! Did you see that? (I understood that many TV and radio news presenters and reporters were like professional actors in movies and play, but I thought that kind of acting was not professional at all. He should had stayed professional for the whole program)).  
(*note: the "advertisement" mentioned in the second paragraph above this note was on the main broadcast channel for the WKRG-TV mentioned in the first and third paragraphs above this note)

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